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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Skinny Legend said:

I've been looking forward to this for ages actually! Does anyone know where I can watch it ilegally?

Just use this download tool.  Paste the link in the box.  And choose your quality from the drop down menu.  I am currently d/l the 1080 version.  Not sure what other qualites are available.




P.S.  The 1080 version comes out to 2.4GB. 


P.S.S.  I have to say, from what I have seen so far, we are seeing a side of her that most people probably never even thought existed.  So far I am really enjoying this video.  I have always been a fan of Paris Hilton. But this video, if it is a true representation of who she really is?  Makes me like her even more.  :)

Edited by Whoknowsmehere
18 hours ago, Zacki said:

@Skinny Legend It's free ;) Just click on the youtube video. 

And the documentary is available with 17 subtitles. It's really amazing, most of the people from all over the world could be able to understand (like me for example :D).

Oh wow, I had no idea! I assumed we would have to subscribe to YouTube Red to get it. :cackle: I'll start watching it now, thanks!


I just finished watching the movie...It's definitely interesting, although it takes a while to get to the point. All the career-based stuff is pretty much things we already know (although seeing her pop off at Tomorrowland was quite surprising), but...spoiler alert...


The abuse allegations at that school were super surprising and sound really horrible tbh. I feel like that's probably the most interesting part of the documentary and I wish the whole thing had focused more on that...Like maybe her talking to more survivors and possibly even teachers, a la Leah Remini. It would have been interesting to hear her parent's try and justify them sending her there as well too.

Either way it's an interesting watch, although I definitely feel like the first half could have used an edit. I'm interested to know more about the whole situation so maybe there'll be a sequel!

3 hours ago, Skinny Legend said:


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It would have been interesting to hear her parent's try and justify them sending her there as well too.


I think at this time she was out of control. At only 15 years old she went to party dressed and made up like a kind of prostitute, in secret. Her mother was very worried and afraid. And she was right because apparently Ghislaine Maxwell would like to recruit Paris Hilton for Epstein. 

If Nicky seems to always have been a wise girl, that's not the case for Paris. She was probably a handful. Even after the Provo Canyon School thing, she was still out of control (sex-tape, jail, drugs and so on). 
It was probably difficult to the reputation of her family. Her mother doesn't like scandal, she likes when everything is perfect and under control. 

So i guess to help Paris, they sent her to this Provo Canyon School, without knowing what kind of horrible things were going on there. 


That reminds me Bree and Andrew in Desperate Housewives when Andrew is also sent to this kind of school (because he was out of control). 

11 hours ago, Zacki said:

I think at this time she was out of control. At only 15 years old she went to party dressed and made up like a kind of prostitute, in secret. Her mother was very worried and afraid. And she was right because apparently Ghislaine Maxwell would like to recruit Paris Hilton for Epstein. 

If Nicky seems to always have been a wise girl, that's not the case for Paris. She was probably a handful. Even after the Provo Canyon School thing, she was still out of control (sex-tape, jail, drugs and so on). 
It was probably difficult to the reputation of her family. Her mother doesn't like scandal, she likes when everything is perfect and under control. 

So i guess to help Paris, they sent her to this Provo Canyon School, without knowing what kind of horrible things were going on there. 


That reminds me Bree and Andrew in Desperate Housewives when Andrew is also sent to this kind of school (because he was out of control). 

Meh...The idea of just sending a child away to boarding school because they're misbehaving has always been weird to me. "My child is doing something wrong, so the best thing to do is to take them far away from me"...So you're admitting you're the problem? If anything I would think that if your child is acting out the best thing to do is to be around them more and try and understand why.

But even if I can understand sending your kid to boarding school, the fact that this school literally turned up in the middle of the night and effectively kidnapped Paris from her home is so fucked up. That should have been a huge warning sign to her parents that this is not a normal school and that there's going to be more weird abusive things happening down the line. How can anyone expect their child to act normally after something like that?

I'm not saying it's all their fault, but parents have a duty to their children to take care of them and trust them and they 100% failed when it came to that.

8 hours ago, Skinny Legend said:

the best thing to do is to be around them more and try and understand why.

Maybe her parents did it. Who know, maybe Paris saw a psychiatrist in this time. But when nothing seem to work, some parents simply send their child to boarding school. Like you send people who have problem with drugs/alcohol to rehab. 
When a child is out of control, it's not that simple tbh. Some parents are lost and don't know what to do. Love and discussions are not enough. 

I know few people who have been sent to boarding schools in my country. Some were in my high school, some other are children from parents than my parents know. And it was always justified. 
It was only boys, not girls, but i can say they had to wash naked all together and were watched by a man monitor. All was very strict. If they didn't follow the rules, they could be sent to a confinement room for one or few days. If they didn't listen in class, the professor could give them some rule stroke on their fingers. And it apparently hurt a lot. 
The boys said it was like being in a military camp. They have to learn discipline and respect. About what i know, no one have been traumatized but no one would like to go back there. 

About Provo, it's different. First Paris seem to say that she was watched by a man when she washed herself, it's not normal in my opinion. Girls should be watch by women monitors. 
The fact teenagers were beaten and strangled is shocking ! No sure pills were good too ... 
Same with with the manipulation (about school telling to the kids to not speak to their parents about what's going on), etc.
There are human rights abuses for sure. 

Like you say, it would have been interesting to hear her parent's try and justify them sending her there and know more about what kind of teenager Paris was in this time. 
The documentary was to focus about Paris without getting the opinion/defense of the other (parents, boyfriends). Like if Paris could tell the story like she wants to and hide what she wants. It was too focus on "Paris is not the dumb girl that you think, she is clever and brillant, and she went though horrible things when she was young, poor Paris". 

For me Paris complains a lot, always act like a victim but what i noticed in the documentary is that she doesn't act like an adult at all. She acts like a child. She clearly doesn't have the maturity of a almost 40 years old woman. 
For me this documentary didn't help me to see her as a mature and clever woman at all. She also delude herself and seem completely lost in her life. I'm not sure she is really happy. 


About their boyfriends ...
She acts like if she was the good person and the problem was their boyfriends. Meh ...
I'm pretty sure she was also violent with them like they were violent with her. I don't think Paris was the poor innocent victim one, two, three, four, five time :awkwardney:

And what's happen with her (ex)-boyfriend in the documentary is so immature and childish. How old are these 2 people seriously ... that's really what i ask myself. It was ridiculous. 
So she can break up as easily with someone, just for a computer thing. Ok. 
I didn't see any romance between both. No passion and love. Did she really love him ? 

That's reminds me when the innocent and brillant Paris, who always act dumb and empty when she's not o:-), was fighting with Lindsay lol




But i have no problem to change my mind if someone can convince me. That's why debating and get other opinion is interesting. And i like to read how other people see the situation.



16 minutes ago, Zacki said:

Maybe her parents did it. Who know, maybe Paris saw a psychiatrist in this time. But when nothing seem to work, some parents simply send their child to boarding school. Like you send people who have problem with drugs/alcohol to rehab. 
When a child is out of control, it's not that simple tbh. Some parents are lost and don't know what to do. Love and discussions are not enough. 

I know few people who have been sent to boarding schools in my country. Some were in my high school, some other are children from parents than my parents know. And it was always justified. 
It was only boys, not girls, but i can say they had to wash naked all together and were watched by a man monitor. All was very strict. If they didn't follow the rules, they could be sent to a confinement room for one or few days. If they didn't listen in class, the professor could give them some rule stroke on their fingers. And it apparently hurt a lot. 
The boys said it was like being in a military camp. They have to learn discipline and respect. About what i know, no one have been traumatized but no one would like to go back there. 

About Provo, it's different. First Paris seem to say that she was watched by a man when she washed herself, it's not normal in my opinion. Girls should be watch by women monitors. 
The fact teenagers were beaten and strangled is shocking ! No sure pills were good too ... 
Same with with the manipulation (about school telling to the kids to not speak to their parents about what's going on), etc.
There are human rights abuses for sure. 

Like you say, it would have been interesting to hear her parent's try and justify them sending her there and know more about what kind of teenager Paris was in this time. 
The documentary was to focus about Paris without getting the opinion/defense of the other (parents, boyfriends). Like if Paris could tell the story like she wants to and hide what she wants. It was too focus on "Paris is not the dumb girl that you think, she is clever and brillant, and she went though horrible things when she was young, poor Paris". 

For me Paris complains a lot, always act like a victim but what i noticed in the documentary is that she doesn't act like an adult at all. She acts like a child. She clearly doesn't have the maturity of a almost 40 years old woman. 
For me this documentary didn't help me to see her as a mature and clever woman at all. She also delude herself and seem completely lost in her life. I'm not sure she is really happy. 


About their boyfriends ...
She acts like if she was the good person and the problem was their boyfriends. Meh ...
I'm pretty sure she was also violent with them like they were violent with her. I don't think Paris was the poor innocent victim one, two, three, four, five time :awkwardney:

And what's happen with her (ex)-boyfriend in the documentary is so immature and childish. How old are these 2 people seriously ... that's really what i ask myself. It was ridiculous. 
So she can break up as easily with someone, just for a computer thing. Ok. 
I didn't see any romance between both. No passion and love. Did she really love him ? 

That's reminds me when the innocent and brillant Paris, who always act dumb and empty when she's not o:-), was fighting with Lindsay lol




But i have no problem to change my mind if someone can convince me. That's why debating and get other opinion is interesting. And i like to read how other people see the situation.



I don't disagree with you about Paris's flaws. Even now she has a new boyfriend and she's talking about how in love she is, but I bet in a year or two she'll talk about how horrible he was to her at the time.

However, I think that it's somewhat understandable when you look at her past...She talked a lot about choosing the wrong people to fall in love with or staying in bad situations because that's what Provo taught her to do. I know for me personally, I grew up in a family where my parents abused each other and now it's hard for me to understand what love is without an element of abuse in it. It doesn't make it right but I do think it makes sense.

Even with the schools your friends went to, I don't think it's good to be hitting anyone full stop...If they got hit as punishment when they were children then imagine how they'll react when someone does something they don't like as adults? It sets a bad example. I also don't like the idea of solitary confinement...The only reason I would think that would be a good idea would be if they were physically harming other people.

But you're right, the fact that Paris was strangled is insane. I know it would be hard for her to talk about but I wish we'd heard more about that in the documentary...She kind of threw it out there but didn't explain how or why it happened. I'm also confused about the medication...How could they legally have given children pills without getting consent from their parents first? The whole situation is just crazy.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished. Eye opening about the boarding schools, if not all that surprising. I definitely feel for her. ? I think it was illuminating and she’s always been more complex person than presented before. 

  • Sad 1

I finally caved and watched it. First of all, thank god she has a normal, non-pitched up voice. I thought she genuinely talked at that pitch and it's always bugged the crap out of me. I'm going to Spoiler my thoughts because it's quite numerous, but it all bubbles down to my annoyance of her and her lack of recognizing privilege. I do believe that Paris is an extraordinary business woman who has been able to work the image the public cemented her to be. I don't think she's a slouch when it comes to understanding the market and exercising her image. Thank you hard work and privilege.

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7 hours ago, Cypher said:

I finally caved and watched it. First of all, thank god she has a normal, non-pitched up voice. I thought she genuinely talked at that pitch and it's always bugged the crap out of me. I'm going to Spoiler my thoughts because it's quite numerous, but it all bubbles down to my annoyance of her and her lack of recognizing privilege. I do believe that Paris is an extraordinary business woman who has been able to work the image the public cemented her to be. I don't think she's a slouch when it comes to understanding the market and exercising her image. Thank you hard work and privilege.

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  1. When she mentioned a childhood struggle of not being a "Hilton", but to be "Paris", despite her mom's style...that's not a unique struggle. Many people grow up in that environment and it sucks, but imo it's not documentary worthy. Maybe as a throwaway line, but I don't think it needed all the melodrama and tension. I understand that struggles aren't a competition and it negatively impacts each person, but when you are born with privilege, I think it's important to recognize the privilege with your struggles.
  2. I do like that she mentioned the paparazzi because seeing how many flashes are hitting her was painful on my eyes, I can't imagine what it's like for her when she was physically walking through it.
  3. The pain of travelling the world and only seeing hotel rooms. Oh boo hoo, all successful people have to make sacrifices. Again, it sucks, but I feel like it should've been a throwaway line, at best. That's like Sundar Pichai crying about how he's dealt with so much stress over the global engine. Poor you, sucks to have unlimited resources AND have to work to earn it.
  4. Crying about not going on vacation because you love making money??? Both sides of that scream privilege to the point that I want to vomit.
  5. The part about the sextape, that simply sucks. I do believe her when she says she was more or less manipulated into creating it. It can see how it would be difficult to make a proper judgement call in the heat of the moment. At the end of the day, the tape propelled her into further stardom. When Colin Farrell's tape leaked, I don't recall anyone making nearly as much buzz about it probably because he didn't try to capitalize on it.
  6. No make-up, no dating, come home early. Are these unreasonable requests of a parent that wants the best for their child during their developmental years? By a stretch, maybe a little? But to the point that it's traumatizing? If everyone caved under this upbringing, our society would be made of pushovers with issues. I find it difficult to sympathize with this one. To me, it is what it is. Sorry your mom wanted the best for you and implemented pretty regular rules and regulations and that didn't agree with your own rebellious vision.
  7. I couldn't watch past the DJ bit. I was getting too worked up over her ignorance. At the end of the day, I think she knows how to work the media, but I still think she's a Hollywood socialite. She's earned her stamp for her business ventures, but I don't really feel any sympathy for her in terms of her path to reach where she is.

I hear what you're saying, but if you didn't watch past that last point you definitely missed out on the most interesting (and surprising) part of the documentary. I'd recommend everyone skipping to around 1:10:01 of the film and just watching from there even if you can't be bothered with the first half, which to me while it had some interesting points was mostly more of the same we've heard from Paris over the past few years. Definitely worth the watch imo but I understand if you're bored with the whole thing by now!

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