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BIG NEWS (First Song)


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Hey everyone! 

I know it's been awhile since I've posted on here (SUPER busy AND sick which was the worst), but I'm back with a topic that makes me nervous typing. Tonight I record my first original song (I've been working on it for a long time now), it would've been done sooner had I not had to film for my brothers project. And then after the video is uploaded I am sending it to my mentors. This is a really big deal for me, as this will be the first thing they've heard my vocals on and they have been anticipating it for a long time now. I was just hoping all of you could wish me luck. And those of you interested could maybe let me know, so I could send a recording or little clip at least to get your opinions. I hope everyone is doing awesome!

- D

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This sounds sick! :hail: Congratulations boo! It's always nerve-wracking recording a song but especially your first one, but just remember the good thing about the studio is you can always record and re-record again and again until you get it perfect, so don't stress! I would love to hear it if you're willing to share! <3 

And big props for learning guitar as well, that's some real dedication right there. :o 

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9 hours ago, Countess said:

This sounds sick! :hail: Congratulations boo! It's always nerve-wracking recording a song but especially your first one, but just remember the good thing about the studio is you can always record and re-record again and again until you get it perfect, so don't stress! I would love to hear it if you're willing to share! <3 

And big props for learning guitar as well, that's some real dedication right there. :o 

Thank you SO much! <3 those kind words mean a lot. I actually had to record it in my room (we have equipment for it though) since I'm still in my small town. But I finished the recording today! I'm gonna be sending it in tonight. And of course! Once it's uploaded I'll post the link here. Thanks again! I've been working my ass off for the last couple of years Im just crossing my fingers that it works out you know? And my fingers killed me at first lol. 

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7 hours ago, sher179 said:

Thank you SO much! <3 those kind words mean a lot. I actually had to record it in my room (we have equipment for it though) since I'm still in my small town. But I finished the recording today! I'm gonna be sending it in tonight. And of course! Once it's uploaded I'll post the link here. Thanks again! I've been working my ass off for the last couple of years Im just crossing my fingers that it works out you know? And my fingers killed me at first lol. 

Oh, don't even worry, I recorded my first song on my Macbook's microphone and it was dreadful. :stretcher: But you can always go back and fix it up! Yasss, I can't wait to hear it! :excited: 

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