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Do looks matter in a relationship?

Natalia Kills

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For me, looks do matter in a relationship. I'm not extremely shallow where the guy has to be drop dead gorgeous, but they have to appeal to me on first look. Although, once you've gotten to know one another, I find the physical attraction barrier comes down and you're more focused on other qualities. 

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I think it definitely matters a bit, but is no where near the first thing you should look for. Plus, you can always discover someone's beauty later you know? Someone who's beautiful at first may turn out to be the ugliest person you've ever met and someone you didn't think you'd give a second look to could become your entire world.  

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8 hours ago, trayertrash said:

I think it definitely matters a bit, but is no where near the first thing you should look for. Plus, you can always discover someone's beauty later you know? Someone who's beautiful at first may turn out to be the ugliest person you've ever met and someone you didn't think you'd give a second look to could become your entire world.

Basically this tbh. :hail: There's been so many situations where I haven't found people that attractive until I've gotten to know them, and then I've found then super cute. I think looks are important, but looks are subjective and what you find attractive is super variable depending on personality.

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