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Vote on PHF's New Name!

Main Pop Girl

Vote on PHF's New Name!  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Which name best suits the new incarnation of PHF?

    • PopHouseFunk.com
    • PopHatesFlops.com
    • PopHitsFlops.com
    • PopHotFlop.com
    • PopHailForums.com
    • PrettyHotFlops.com
    • PopHatesFaves.com
    • PHFForums.com
    • PHForums.com
    • PopHeartsFashion.com

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Lately we've been discussing a change of name for the site, and you guys have come up with some great suggestions as to what we could call it!

I've collated all the ideas into a poll here so we can all vote on our favourite names and choose on something within the next month or so.

Personally, I quite like the domain name PHFForums.com. That way everyone can have their own individual names that they'd like to use in the back of their mind as their browsing the site but nothing is really set in stone if that makes sense! Ideally I would have loved to just use PHF.com, PHF.net or PHF.org but sadly they've all been taken. :'(

If anyone has any more suggestions, let me know below and I'll add them to the poll! Otherwise, I look forward to seeing what you guys choose. ;)


I think the issue with using just PHF is that some of the people who already know of the site associate it with the word "fags" which has turned them away. I think giving it a new acronym might be the best thing to do.


I usually hate change, and I'm kind of used to the acronym PHF, so I like the idea of trying to come up with a name that fits the existing acronym, but I think it might be too limiting. These options are kind of underwhelming.


I like the idea of PHFForums but I don't like the double FF they look messy.

I added one called PHForums just for you! ;) 

I already voted for PHFForums can you remove it and add mine to PHForums :)



Added! ;)

I like the idea of PHFForums but I don't like the double FF they look messy.

I added one called PHForums just for you! ;) 

I already voted for PHFForums can you remove it and add mine to PHForums :)

Done! <3 


It seems like we have a pretty clear winner! Although, I did just get a notification from my web host saying that .beer is now a domain name, so if anyone wants www.phf.beer let me know. :stretcher: 


It seems like we have a pretty clear winner! Although, I did just get a notification from my web host saying that .beer is now a domain name, so if anyone wants www.phf.beer let me know. :stretcher: 

I'm so here for phf.beer tbfh.


It seems like we have a pretty clear winner! Although, I did just get a notification from my web host saying that .beer is now a domain name, so if anyone wants www.phf.beer let me know. :stretcher: 

I'm so here for phf.beer tbfh.

:stretcher: What about PopHatesFlo.ps or PHFForu.ms?


It seems like we have a pretty clear winner! Although, I did just get a notification from my web host saying that .beer is now a domain name, so if anyone wants www.phf.beer let me know. :stretcher: 

I'm so here for phf.beer tbfh.

:stretcher: What about PopHatesFlo.ps or PHFForu.ms?

nah phf.beer sounds funnier hahaha


It seems like we have a pretty clear winner! Although, I did just get a notification from my web host saying that .beer is now a domain name, so if anyone wants www.phf.beer let me know. :stretcher: 

I'm so here for phf.beer tbfh.

:stretcher: What about PopHatesFlo.ps or PHFForu.ms?

nah phf.beer sounds funnier hahaha

No one would take that seriously tho. :shocked: 


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