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What are some little white lies that you feel are acceptable and not detrimental to a friendship?

Do you think all lies are okay? Do you think no lies are okay?

Or are you in between?


I think little white lies are ok but I wouldn't make a habit of telling them because things have a way of snowballing! I use them if I want to save someone's feelings because knowing the full details of something would hurt them and my withholding the information or playing it down wouldn't affect them in any way. Can't think of any examples, but I hope you get what I mean.


Idk, I don't really lie about hugely major things, but I lie about random little things... :stretcher: Like when I'm trying to tell a funny story I'll always change the details slightly to make things more interesting. Or if someone asks me if I've read a book I'll say no just so they can explain the details to me and we'll have something more to talk about. :o I don't really think that these are horrible lies to tell but it does sometimes get hard keeping stories straight. :vacuum:


I think little white lies are ok but I wouldn't make a habit of telling them because things have a way of snowballing! I use them if I want to save someone's feelings because knowing the full details of something would hurt them and my withholding the information or playing it down wouldn't affect them in any way. Can't think of any examples, but I hope you get what I mean.

Makes sense. But my question is this: How do you know he or she can't handle the full truth? Who gives us the authority to know better than someone else? (No shade, legit question.) Aren't there like 50 movies out there where after he or she discovers the full truth ends up being hurt more than if they were just told the full truth in the beginning?

Idk, I don't really lie about hugely major things, but I lie about random little things... :stretcher: Like when I'm trying to tell a funny story I'll always change the details slightly to make things more interesting. Or if someone asks me if I've read a book I'll say no just so they can explain the details to me and we'll have something more to talk about. :o I don't really think that these are horrible lies to tell but it does sometimes get hard keeping stories straight. :vacuum:

Is this the type of conversation you have on a date? The latest book to come across your shelf?


I think little white lies are ok but I wouldn't make a habit of telling them because things have a way of snowballing! I use them if I want to save someone's feelings because knowing the full details of something would hurt them and my withholding the information or playing it down wouldn't affect them in any way. Can't think of any examples, but I hope you get what I mean.

Makes sense. But my question is this: How do you know he or she can't handle the full truth? Who gives us the authority to know better than someone else? (No shade, legit question.) Aren't there like 50 movies out there where after he or she discovers the full truth ends up being hurt more than if they were just told the full truth in the beginning?

Idk, I don't really lie about hugely major things, but I lie about random little things... :stretcher: Like when I'm trying to tell a funny story I'll always change the details slightly to make things more interesting. Or if someone asks me if I've read a book I'll say no just so they can explain the details to me and we'll have something more to talk about. :o I don't really think that these are horrible lies to tell but it does sometimes get hard keeping stories straight. :vacuum:

Is this the type of conversation you have on a date? The latest book to come across your shelf?

I've never been on a date so I have no idea. :'(


I've never been on a date so I have no idea. :'(

Let me give you some advice, unless your date is REALLY into books, stay away from going into too much detail about books. ;)


I've never been on a date so I have no idea. :'(

Let me give you some advice, unless your date is REALLY into books, stay away from going into too much detail about books. ;)

I'm into books  :magic:

Is that why you two went to Rome together?


I was drugged and unconscious for most of that trip, so no, I don't count it as a date. :vacuum:  :vacuum:  :vacuum:

But at least you went to Rome. I still haven't been there. :cypher:


I was drugged and unconscious for most of that trip, so no, I don't count it as a date. :vacuum:  :vacuum:  :vacuum:

But at least you went to Rome. I still haven't been there. :cypher:

Feel free to take my place next time...I'll keep the handcuffs and blindfold warm for you. :/


I think little white lies are ok but I wouldn't make a habit of telling them because things have a way of snowballing! I use them if I want to save someone's feelings because knowing the full details of something would hurt them and my withholding the information or playing it down wouldn't affect them in any way. Can't think of any examples, but I hope you get what I mean.

Makes sense. But my question is this: How do you know he or she can't handle the full truth? Who gives us the authority to know better than someone else? (No shade, legit question.) Aren't there like 50 movies out there where after he or she discovers the full truth ends up being hurt more than if they were just told the full truth in the beginning?

You ask a good question, but I'm not sure I have an answer lol. I guess it's a gut instinct.

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