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Seventh PopHatesFags Radio Show!

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The PHF Radio Show is back!

:excited: :excited:

May 17th we'll be hosting another radio show at 12:00 PM PHF time (9:00 PM Est). That's the same time the last one was at.

Since we're no where near the beginning or end of the year I won't be playing music that's exclusive to 2014. With that being said if you would like to ensure your favorite track gets played you can post the request in here or send me a PM.

Like the last show we'll be playing some exclusive tracks that we noticed you guys want, but only at certain milestones. So when we get ten listeners, we'll play one song, when we get twenty, we'll play the next, and so on. So it's important to promo the radio show as much as possible - believe me, it will be worth your while! ;)

This is going to be the first radio show since Mo chose me to be the Events Coordinator so I'm really excited and hope all of you can tune in to listen. The last radio show was a bit crazy and fun. I'm hoping this one will be the same, but no promises it will go on for as long as the last one did! :stretcher: :stretcher:

As always, you can listen to the radio show here.

Have fun and don't forget to tune in! :hat:


Let's hope we can reach 60+ listeners again! :excited:


Does it include music that leaked in 2014?  o:-)

haha what do you mean??

YASSSSS Nick walters



I request for you to play 'West Coast' so we can all twirl slowly around our rooms with one hand on a can of beer and the other one brushing our hair delicately away from our faces. :tan:


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