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How To Block A User

Main Pop Girl

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So I know a few of you guys have been having problems with other members lately, and asking me to ban them for you. Instead of banning users who can keep posting on PHF and help us #getdatpromo, I thought I'd show you an easy way to make these people effectively disappear, at least for you!

This technique will help you ignore a user, which means that none of their PM's to you will come through, and you'll have to click an extra button to see their posts if for some reason you want to. If you have a change of heart and want to un-ignore a user, you can do that from the same menu. To ignore or un-ignore a user, simply go to Profile > Modify Profile > Personal Messaging and add usernames to the 'Ignorelist' box. Keep in mind that you can't ignore mods or admins (aka me :tan:) as obvis I have important shit that you need to listen to. ;)

I hope this helps you guys with any minor problems you're having with other users! Remember, if you feel someone is being abusive to you or another member or if someone is consistently spamming with the same messages again and again, you can always click the 'Report' button above their post and I'll have a look at things for you. ;)

Keep enjoying the forum! :magic:


I would never block my Gayfish, but I did block a Lana beger :morning:

SRSLY going to block the same lana beggar  :lol:


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