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A few weeks ago there was an 'exclusive' on BreatheHeavy that Brit's new single would be called 'Werk Bitch'.

Then, Britney and her team changed all their Twitter banners to simple black backgrounds.

Now RuPaul has changed hers as well!


It's possible that the single will sample 'Supermodel' from Ru's 90's days.

In other news, Britney's now shooting her first music video for the upcoming album.

[img width=403 height=136]http://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s403x403/1001274_10151863651950631_1026279979_n.jpg

[img width=650 height=650]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1234510_10151869631628234_28712436_n.jpg

I'm excited. :excited:


all this rumor started when fans asked Jean for lyrics or a tease and he wrote Supermodel's chorus, so I'm ready for Godney to slay me with this 90's disco sound.

I'm glad her song for her "boyz"  isn't about "be strong, be proud, I'm a white straight woman, so do it cause we are equal"


all this rumor started when fans asked Jean for lyrics or a tease and he wrote Supermodel's chorus, so I'm ready for Godney to slay me with this 90's disco sound.

I'm glad her song for her "boyz"  isn't about "be strong, be proud, I'm a white straight woman, so do it cause we are equal"

Omg, no way! :hail: This is actually a pretty flawless idea. I love that she's trying something new while still appealing to her fans. :tan: I hope RuPaul makes the video as well!

And yeah, agreed. :stretcher: I was expecting her to release 'Everyday' tbh.


Omg, no way! :hail: This is actually a pretty flawless idea. I love that she's trying something new while still appealing to her fans. :tan: I hope RuPaul makes the video as well!

And yeah, agreed. :stretcher: I was expecting her to release 'Everyday' tbh.

But I love WB even without RuPaul on it tbh  :excited:

So maybe the song for her boyz is not WB?


But I love WB even without RuPaul on it tbh  :excited:

So maybe the song for her boyz is not WB?

Omg, me too tbh. What a flop rumour that was, how awkward is this thread? :stretcher:

Yeah, I'm guessing she wouldn't write a song called "Work Bitch" for her kids tbh. :rofl: I'm so glad she's writing on this album tho!

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