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Everything posted by ashura776

  1. Did a quick mockup. We NEED physical copies of this 😥
  2. Yep thought so too. Out of all demos/leaks those three ? I mean they‘re good, but there are others that I personally wanted on a deluxe. Also I am still mad that they aren‘t able to include Love in Stereo and Too in Love. I love those two. And for me I would‘ve chosen Light Up, Up in Flames and Garage Flowers. But oh well I am thankful for everything we get.
  3. Deluxe Edition of The Lost Tapes coming tomorrow. Available in NZ just now. New Tracks: Only You, Breathe Me, Back to Life !
  4. Like this ?
  5. Missed posting them, your feedback and LT conversations. there you go with some of your fav. Don‘t like that original cover art, though mine is only slightly different.
  6. well hello there! ??‍♂️ was looking for information about leakth.is and saw your message and my name in this thread. Good to „see“ you!
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