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Everything posted by believe

  1. Oomf is having a literal breakdown in here because they were exposed... chile-
  2. Basically yep. Because there's a lot of Thief's around, and only I Look Like An Angel
  3. Who wouldn't want unreleased's nudes man! Jk, sweetnere and unknown hurry tf up and get here
  4. At the end of the day. People can vouch for me. I'm sure Unknown will be here to tell you he had no idea of sweetnere and Sweetnere will be here to speak about Cabeyo. If you wanna believe Angelsky that's fine with me, but it won't end well. I'll take any questions
  5. Believe is Believe and that's all Angelsky (Unreleased) is the only one of their accounts here (from what I know). But from that Clarissa bitch maybe 2 or that's a friend
  6. PLEASE, another alt Don't believe me guys, you'll just be lied to by AngelSky
  7. From what I know though, Sweetnere didn't know about Cabeyo, Unknown didn't know about sweetnere and cabeyo? You gonna lose some friends. But that's what you get
  8. There's some goodies coming. I'm only leaking them bc I hate that user though. And they're a rat tryna make so much money Luv to camila stans (minus Angelsky/Unreleased/Iwannaknow/lusilver/crownx/diamond97x... god there's a lot)
  9. NVM, I can't stand you Bitch I got that Hope For Love snippet from you, I lied. Surprise. Which you sold to someone for $500 or sumn and then was selling it on leaked is a few days ago. Removing it when it leaked, but claiming you sold a completely different song at that exact same time. That's so weird and funny!! hahahahahahah
  10. I don't think sweetnere and unknown will wanna know you anymore. You have so many alts and are a mess. Take a break chile. I've had enough. More leaks coming soon
  11. You mean... the julia songs you sent to Unknown and Sweetnere that you got off someone else? Lmao And what Dua songs?
  12. Honestly re-selling. You sold so many songs twice hunny. You really thought I'd hack people to scam them. I hacked you because I knew what you were like. I'm just hear to warn camila stans about you so they don't fall into your trap. But if they don't believe me that's good. But who leaked anyone and the boy?
  13. Soon baby cakes, just need everyone to know about this bitch lmao
  14. Bitch, you really thought you did sumn. Everyone can see I'm clearly taking the piss there... but you do you hun... Also the leaked is drama as you being crownx is clear enough for them to see you're a scammer. Mwah, luv u baby
  15. Lmao not you providing those screenshots when I lied clearly throughout the whole thing. I was lying whilst collecting all the information I could about you. Your (ex) friends aren't gonna be too happy with you @Immysterious @sweeeetener
  16. Omg she showed up! Queen. Do you not think I lied to you the whole time whilst I was hacking you. Dumb
  17. what? i would never do that! you don't Know(s) Me!!! for all you know i could've Died lmao
  18. Thank you queen Also if anyone has a leaked is account please post there as they need to know too
  19. inch resting I can see now from the way they type. Thank you for this extra bit of info, they're sketchy af. I hope no one else falls for their lies
  20. Well, there might be a new thread
  21. So this dates back quite a long time. I have found out from friends and h**king about the user Unreleased. Who I thought I needed to expose now. Unreleased goes on pophatesflop as ‘AngelSky.’ On Leaked.is as ‘Crownx.’ And Discord as “Unreleased#2717, IWannaKnow, hibitch, lusilver, diamond97x and some more which I have forgotten. Do not trust this user. They have been working in a group with sweetnere and unknownz since last year. However, the problem is not with sweetnere and unknownz. But with unreleased. They have consistently made sweetnere and unknown pay their own money throughout the time of buying unreleased songs and have been sending them to other people. For example, over the past few months, this group has bought around 6-8 camila songs and most have leaked. Unreleased made unknown pay money for 5 of these songs and then spread them to sweetnere, cabeyo and another user who wishes to stay anon. Sweetnere also paid for anyone which went directly into unreleased’s emails and was also shared with these users. And then last month, the boy. Yes it happened again ladies. They have used these songs to trade for other songs (such as all those Selena that have leaked, the miley that have leaked, the julia that leaked…) to then sell them, and re-sell them, and re-sell them. A never ending circle. So I’m exposing them here today, to warn you all of them. Do not trust them. They are a liar, scammer, and just an all round bitch. Everything they have leaks because of them re-selling and spreading so much without telling their ‘friends.’ For example, unknown does not know sweetnere and cabeyo had the tracks. And sweetnere did not know of cabeyo and the other one. Unknown and Sweetnere are innocent in this, they have been lied to. I mention these throughout as they are the main people in the group. You might be wondering how I know all of this, well that’s a secret tbh. But unreleased can probably guess if they like alcoholic drinks. All-in-all, do not trust them, do not trust anything to do with them. They lie to their friends, spread songs around, re-sell and have numerous alt accounts to scam people and lie about having songs just to get information. I have my proof, screenshots and all that jazz. So they won’t be able to deny it. But let me make this clear. This is an attack on unreleased/crownx/whateverthef the name is. Not Unknownz, Sweetnere, Cabeyo or that other user. There may be some more people involved so please let me know if you have. But that’s what I have for now. To Unknownz, Sweetnere, Cabeyo & the other. I am sorry for this, you guys had no idea about the whole thing. That’s all from me for now. I maybe being looked at like a Thief for having this knowledge but i Look Like An Angel if I'm honest, nobody Knows Me. Good thing I haven’t Died so I can share this. from believe, believe#6131 (and previously wine on discord haha yes unreleased, wine) xx lol (also if someone could share this in leaked is that’d be great)
  22. Should i make an exposé thread?
  23. ur welcome everyone hope you enjoy the boy and anyone
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