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lalisa last won the day on September 15 2022

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  1. Trailer looks soo good https://twitter.com/selenagomez/status/1694786969644192051?s=46&t=TK2fPin1YEuvbqrayh-EGg
  2. What happened to her song Born Again that was allegedly coming out as a B-side of Lift Me Up?
  3. she was 12 years old, Camila sings in two languages, that gives her bigger exposure for her catalogue than them. Plus she chooses a good single when the album is not doing good. Ej: Havana came after Crying In The Club tanked, Señorita came after Sangria Wine tanked and now Bam Bam with Ed is out to compensate how Familia flopped . I think that album lacked a clear focus because it has songs from random sessions like Psychofreak (a really good song but doesn't fit the album), the album is latin inspired and barely has spanish songs or trendy spanish styles like Reggaeton or Trap
  4. lalisa


    WOOOOOW this was super interesting to read! They somehow got the rights for Lover In Me and I Like It That Way that were target exclusives too. Do you think they can't just include the track on the already released version of the album? And just curious, a label could re-release an old album without her consent and add some unreleased songs as bonus tracks? for example last year they released a compilation album of her singles and biggest album tracks. Idk Selena partially owns her masters before Rare and that only includes Revival and some of the songs that were purchased by Interscope (Come & Get It, Slow Down , The heart wants what it wants, love you like a love song, naturally, who says & A Year Without Rain (Plus spanish version )) . They somehow released Un Año Sin lluvia that was a exclusive in the US for streaming worldwide last year when she released Revelación
  5. lalisa


  6. lalisa


    Add Fantasma de Amor by Selena Gomez (Ghost Of You spanish version) only featured on some When The Sun Goes Down editions, it's not on streaming
  7. Selena Gomez and Black Eyed Peas collaborations are on its way. She will probably start/continue/finish whatever B10 , have her last era and retire; I don't even see a tour happening. She will probably end up doing philanthropy and/or dropping a beauty line. The book will be also be out at some point. I also think she might start going 100% to acting since she has always wanted to be an actress but nobody was letting her get good roles after Crossroads and when they were offered her team (Cship) denied all of them because they were 'bad career' choices. She has previously said that she's practically done with music, she has contractual obligations of course but she will probably use B10 as her freedom album and after that they will probably drop a Greatest Hits with some outtakes but nothing else in the future.
  8. Not her but her demo really exists. She had the song before Ellie
  9. It circulated some times but hasn't been on the road for a while
  10. After listening to her last statement I doubt she will retire after this. And also she owns RCA 1 more album. I think all the b10 sessions will be scrapped and we will get her most personal album
  11. I don't know I don't have it Britney recorded it
  12. It's a bop
  13. P!nk - Continents Selena Gomez - Continents Britney Spears - Burn Xtina - Acelerar (Accelerate spanish version)
  14. Camila , Kesha and Selena's version of Lean On would be cool
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