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Everything posted by cmiley

  1. You should leak it so we can have the entire OG Treat Myself album!
  2. Can you please leak the full versions of Chase Your Love & Criminals for Meghan comm?
  3. I think Chris (her gay best friend) probably wrote that one. Sounds like something he would do.
  4. Ok I know this isn’t related, but I just got a pop-up that said “rock hard boner at any age” 😳
  5. Since this thread is active, does anyone have them I’d Rather Be Your Lover ft. Tupac OG file?
  6. That’s enough internet for today
  7. Looking forward to their next single “Military Hell” in 2025. K-Pop stans on Twitter will go nuts over it as usual.
  8. We really need the rest of these songs to leak. There’s so many we haven’t heard!
  9. Would love to hear Bonnie’s version of this song. Bet it’s a bop! https://youtu.be/2JlKn-D7ou0
  10. Because the last reply was over 6 years ago.
  11. Miley Cyrus - Princess Dress (aka Cinderella or Pie On the Fly), Lost On You, Jaded, Pills, and another song from MC8. Possibly more.
  12. Is there another platform this could be promoted? I feel like this section isn’t taken as seriously.
  13. Because you spread the song! Not my fault because it was perfectly fine before you got your hands on it.
  14. @SlowandDown didn’t hold up his end of the deal. Sent one song where he was supposed to send two. He claimed that the song I sent was passed but he started spreading it as soon as he got it and ghosted me. Please ban him because he clearly can’t be trusted. https://docdro.id/CMTWgKZ
  15. Check your messages. We gotta finish this.

  16. This is my new favorite thread of all time.
  17. So funny that people make fake demos because they crave that much attention.
  18. Haven’t heard from Janet in a while. I hope it’s good.
  19. Apparently the head admin died of an overdose and the other admins are trying to get it back up from what I’ve seen.
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