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Everything posted by Deleteed

  1. Yaa that’s what I heard that only very few have it (insiders) with it being vault. Idk tho if ppl are lying on last.fm Ok I heard the same thing!!! It’s super rare to have, and that it’s not being traded, as insiders are keeping it vaulted.
  2. I guess in order to trade a song to get anyone, you would have to have a pretty rare song as well ?
  3. Oo that’s interesting! Didn’t realize that there were traders that have it. I’m new to the this community but traders are ppl who trade songs correct? Dumb question I’m really sorry
  4. Am I the only All to myself (dua lipa) Stan? ? don’t see the hype it deserves sometimes ?
  5. Thank you so much!!!!
  6. Really doubt anyone will hear it from what it seems.
  7. Only insiders have it and vault it. No one is selling the song currently.
  8. Also does anyone know if the song. Anyone is in circulation again? Been looking for that song
  9. Isn’t $300 cheap for a Camila song tho? I seen some for $900
  10. $30?!? Sign me up, ill buy it! Where are they selling it?
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