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Everything posted by Goedert

  1. And what about Jules Bouyer Should we conclude french men have big ones ? 🤔👀🍆
  2. Thanks ... Tried with the 2023 version and can't find those transitions sadly
  3. Hi there, i would like to make a video in the style of Ugly Betty opening : but i have no idea how to do that and what software to use. Do anyone know ? I notice someone made that with Charmed so it's possible but how ? 🤔
  4. How are you ? 

    1. Kesha Slays

      Kesha Slays

      I've been better, how are you? 

    2. Goedert


      I'm fine thank you. I'm glad to hear you have been better after everything that happened to you lately.

      after every storm there is a rainbow

  5. Waiting Taylor's new album like the messiah 🙏

  6. Goedert


    he speaks like @RedBloodedWoman
  7. I love your avatar 😁  and welcome on the forum :sassy:

  8. wait, you are Alek ?
  9. https://onlyfiles.io/f/cdac17d56fe54bdf8e0808b4dedb5c58
  10. I don't have it but may i ask how much you are willing to pay for this song ?
  11. I don't know this singer but i found 2 unreleased called "He Can Do It Better" and "Miracles", are those still unleaked ? If interested, i can sell it for $50 (or $80 both) or trade for Ava Max or Kim Petras.
  12. more hq https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/675022997186412583/807342984348696587/Camila_Cabello_-_Thief_Looks_Like_An_Angel_exclusive_snippet_LEAK_ANYONE_FOR_FULL.mp3
  13. Any infos about this song : Camila Cabello - Thief Looks Like An Angel https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/675022997186412583/807315119657844747/Camila_Cabello_-_Thief_Looks_Like_An_Angel_exclusive_snippet_LEAK_ANYONE_FOR_FULL.mp3
  14. Which Charli XCX songs didn't leaked yet ?
  15. correct
  16. first time i read about that
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