You really must listen to their latest music! After Memento Mori they released an EP titled Remember to Live which is like the opposite to Memento Mori, then they released their third album New Horizons which is the last release with Lacey Mosley as the vocalist, she stepped down because she wanted to spend more time with her family (she's now married and has two babies). The new vocalist is Kristen May, former Vedera vocalist, she's great but it's not Lacey, enough said. They just released a new EP named Who We Are, it includes a brand new song (too poppy for Flyleaf tbh) and 4 live songs from the Flyleaf tour with Kristen's voice. Check these 3 releases out, New Horizons is their best album to date. Yeah, I like We Are The Fallen, they are cool but it's a shame that Ben Moody turned the band into a kind of Evanescence Fallen-era-rip-off. The debut album is solid, such a shame they haven't released anything else.