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Everything posted by roger

  1. I'm having a hard time as well with some songs, english is not my mother language and her pronunciation is weird in certain songs I'll PM you a few I did transcript
  2. Lillix - Tigelily (Japan Bonus Tracks): 10. It's About Time (Remix) 11. The Outlaw (Introduction) 12. The Outlaw Lillix - Inside the Hollow 14. Get Away (iTunes Bonus Track) And these are the rare tracks I have by Marion Raven: Nevermore (Shelved and unleaked album, including japanese bonus tracks): Unreleased songs and demos: [img width=650 height=281]
  3. @adirgeforher cool to know that you like Marion Raven! Some of her best songs are kept unreleased and her shelved album Nevermore is her masterpiece, I love it. I also love Lillx, such a shame some songs were only released on Japan
  4. Can you go to your nearest store and order it?
  5. someone PLEASE buy the Platinum Weird album for us (the 2CD one on Discogs) I mean... the person who buys it could RE-SELL it for MUCH MORE AND MORE money! It's super weird!! I already looked at the Best Buy at home (Monterrey, Mexico) and there's no copies. I also checked in Laredo, TX Best Buy and no luck as well Maybe if someone goes and order's it on Best Buy USA they might help.
  6. I would hate to meet Britney and take a picture with her only to have that face of hers on the picture. I like her because she's honest, and her face doesn't lie.. but jeez Brit.
  7. She's the original America's sweetheart... and she'll always be
  8. I'm not a huge GaGa fan but I loved Swine since she premiered it at the iTunes Festival, she gave a power performance, sadly I don't feel the same while I'm listening to the studio version.
  9. No offense, never been raped or been through a similar experience but I believe there are better ways to express the "disgust" other than being puked. I can understand what she tried to express, but it's still disgusting to me, I mean it's not cool or pretty to get puked by someone else even though you're trying to "make art" and "express yourself". I hope this doesn't offend someone here, it's just my personal opinion and I truly accept all yours P.S. Thank you for opening at us Ashley, sorry to hear that you've been through a horrible situation. *hug*
  10. OMG! Please someone buy it and rip both CD's on lossless for me Sucks being a college guy with no time to work and no credit card.
  11. How cool! Thank you for sharing
  12. I would rather her label (or her) to release B-Sides part 2 (and maybe 3 lol) than a second official single. At least we know she has friends who can make cool music videos for a cheap price (or even free) with great quality (like EIE, Sad Dream, YNTO and NTMT... about LIMB I'm not so sure, it's cool but the quality ain't great imo).
  13. No dates confirmed yet I'm also desperate for B-Sides part 2.
  14. I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. As long as I know: Boys = Promo single 24 Hours = Second Single *Confirmed months ago by Sky* Love in Stereo = Music video already recorded, unknown if it will be released as a single or just an stand-alone music video like NTMT
  15. I believe it's just because of the live instruments compared to the digital ones on the studio recording. It sounds nice right?
  16. Annoying as fuck, I know
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dUfsCm8S01s This one just got uploaded, such a nice tune.
  18. The thing is... we might never get the whole thing The "60's version" of the album is on iTunes But the "00's modern version" of the album is only available on Best Buy and I don't think it's easy to find The songs are basically different.
  19. Happiness music video. By the way, I found "Avalanche" is sooo good http://www47.zippyshare.com/v/43481766/file.html
  20. I know how you feel The worst part is that all their music is amazing!
  21. Our beloved member "Infidelity" made an online petition to the Michalka sisters in order to release their second shelved album "Hothouse". That's right, shelved After a small talk with their produced, the legendary David Kahne, he mentioned that the girls are pursuing the market and their new potential label wants them to record a whole new album BUT saving "Boy" which also will be re-recorded, they want an album full of songs like "Boy". To many of us it's truly sad and even unfair that they recorded an album and teased us with a few tracks live last year. Besides, David believes his work was amazing and it's proud of what he has done with the girls. If you are interested in hear the full thing please sign and share this petition. https://www.change.org/en-AU/petitions/aly-aj-michalka-from-the-bottom-of-your-hearts-could-you-please-please-share-the-album-you-did-with-david-kahne-with-your-loyal-violetbuds-2#share Note: If you have your facebook logged in it's quickier to sign the petition.
  22. Bye bye Dr. Luke
  23. lol, she pulled a LiLo pulling an Ashlee Simp. @ 2:13
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