Also I wonder if, since next year is Bombastic's 10 anniversary, she could maybe release more unreleased songs from that era and turn that Ep into a full album? That would be amazing!
I hope she decides to include all of them. I'm pretty sure SIGGH will be included since if I remember correctly she couldn't release it on standard edition due to label issues. So if she's bringing it back it means she had to solve those issues, which I personally wouldn't have bothered doing unless I was sure I was gonna put the song out. So yeah I have a feeling she is teasing them and in the end she will include them all. Let's hope ahah!
What are the chances Love Spell will be on the deluxe? It would be cool to end the album with a slower song/ballad, like Stars in your Heart in the standard edition
Alright, since I love digging around unreleased music, could anyone provide me all the infos we have behind this project? Like, do we have the album's full official tracklist? And also, what happened that made JoJo shelve this album?
Only thing I know is that Disaster was supposed to be the lead single of the album in 2011 (like American Girl for Bonnie's Hot City).
Also, now this thread should be renamed something like "Bonnie McKee - Megathread" or something like that, so we can use it to talk about everything Bonnie related
Btw, I still haven't fully processed that we FINALLY have this album!!!! This is so iconic. I will forever (21) be in love with this project. Both for the music, which is iconic, and also for the fact that this album represents resilience and not giving up. It's been a difficult story, but with a really nice and happy ending!