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Everything posted by P A R I S

  1. i don't have a leaked.cx account, is there anywhere else where i can contact this guy ? Does he have an account here, discord ?
  2. You did that girl !
  3. It's called "someone".
  4. Didn't know she wrote the song. That's why it's so good. I like the lyrics. Bonnie is lazy but still talented.
  5. It's called "someone"
  6. It's more and more difficult to trade on this site. People make few alt accounts to scam, get snippets and simply know song titles and after they create a new account again to do the same shit. We can't really ban anyone with the certitude they will not come back with a vpn or proxy. All of these things affect the forum. We can't safety trade anymore. And since people mainly come here to trade or for the leaks, the forum start to not be so active than before and it's sad. I think some actions need to be taken. I was thinking of not allow new registrations with a vpn and proxy. (can be find here https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9695-proxy-vpn-disposable-email-blocker/ )
  7. PHF Just Watch Mail Discord Leakth.is Bank
  8. This song is everything ❤️ And this fan-made video is awesome.
  9. Sia - Quit vs Britney Spears - When Your Eyes Say It
  10. If i only choose one, i think it's this one.
  11. I leave because of the bad moderation.
  12. I remember this post. Even 2 years after, it still makes me laugh
  13. Nothing better than a hamburger ? ?
  14. Maybe her parents did it. Who know, maybe Paris saw a psychiatrist in this time. But when nothing seem to work, some parents simply send their child to boarding school. Like you send people who have problem with drugs/alcohol to rehab. When a child is out of control, it's not that simple tbh. Some parents are lost and don't know what to do. Love and discussions are not enough. I know few people who have been sent to boarding schools in my country. Some were in my high school, some other are children from parents than my parents know. And it was always justified. It was only boys, not girls, but i can say they had to wash naked all together and were watched by a man monitor. All was very strict. If they didn't follow the rules, they could be sent to a confinement room for one or few days. If they didn't listen in class, the professor could give them some rule stroke on their fingers. And it apparently hurt a lot. The boys said it was like being in a military camp. They have to learn discipline and respect. About what i know, no one have been traumatized but no one would like to go back there. About Provo, it's different. First Paris seem to say that she was watched by a man when she washed herself, it's not normal in my opinion. Girls should be watch by women monitors. The fact teenagers were beaten and strangled is shocking ! No sure pills were good too ... Same with with the manipulation (about school telling to the kids to not speak to their parents about what's going on), etc. There are human rights abuses for sure. Like you say, it would have been interesting to hear her parent's try and justify them sending her there and know more about what kind of teenager Paris was in this time. The documentary was to focus about Paris without getting the opinion/defense of the other (parents, boyfriends). Like if Paris could tell the story like she wants to and hide what she wants. It was too focus on "Paris is not the dumb girl that you think, she is clever and brillant, and she went though horrible things when she was young, poor Paris". For me Paris complains a lot, always act like a victim but what i noticed in the documentary is that she doesn't act like an adult at all. She acts like a child. She clearly doesn't have the maturity of a almost 40 years old woman. For me this documentary didn't help me to see her as a mature and clever woman at all. She also delude herself and seem completely lost in her life. I'm not sure she is really happy. About their boyfriends ... She acts like if she was the good person and the problem was their boyfriends. Meh ... I'm pretty sure she was also violent with them like they were violent with her. I don't think Paris was the poor innocent victim one, two, three, four, five time And what's happen with her (ex)-boyfriend in the documentary is so immature and childish. How old are these 2 people seriously ... that's really what i ask myself. It was ridiculous. So she can break up as easily with someone, just for a computer thing. Ok. I didn't see any romance between both. No passion and love. Did she really love him ? That's reminds me when the innocent and brillant Paris, who always act dumb and empty when she's not , was fighting with Lindsay lol But i have no problem to change my mind if someone can convince me. That's why debating and get other opinion is interesting. And i like to read how other people see the situation.
  15. I think at this time she was out of control. At only 15 years old she went to party dressed and made up like a kind of prostitute, in secret. Her mother was very worried and afraid. And she was right because apparently Ghislaine Maxwell would like to recruit Paris Hilton for Epstein. https://nypost.com/2020/08/07/ghislaine-maxwell-once-eyed-paris-hilton-for-epstein-report/?_ga=2.35837664.1973626458.1599751339-559746450.1584288185 If Nicky seems to always have been a wise girl, that's not the case for Paris. She was probably a handful. Even after the Provo Canyon School thing, she was still out of control (sex-tape, jail, drugs and so on). It was probably difficult to the reputation of her family. Her mother doesn't like scandal, she likes when everything is perfect and under control. So i guess to help Paris, they sent her to this Provo Canyon School, without knowing what kind of horrible things were going on there. That reminds me Bree and Andrew in Desperate Housewives when Andrew is also sent to this kind of school (because he was out of control).
  16. @Skinny Legend It's free ;) Just click on the youtube video. And the documentary is available with 17 subtitles. It's really amazing, most of the people from all over the world could be able to understand (like me for example ).
  17. Did you watch it ? What do you think ?
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