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Everything posted by spcdoo45

  1. But when she leaked it, she said it was a demo not the final
  2. No, the version she leaked was the demo, the version in one of the episodes was the final.
  3. No, the version she leaked was the demo, the version in one of the episodes was the final.
  4. i knowwwwww! it sounded really hot too!
  5. i knowwwwww! it sounded really hot too!
  6. oh there was a video of Jessie singing Kamikaze live floating around.
  7. oh there was a video of Jessie singing Kamikaze live floating around.
  8. i hope her "soon" happens "soon" XD
  9. i hope her "soon" happens "soon" XD
  10. i know she posted a pic of her writing a letter to her fans with the caption "soon" but that was like two months ago
  11. i know she posted a pic of her writing a letter to her fans with the caption "soon" but that was like two months ago
  12. which SoundCloud is that? i know she posted Rattle vs. Waterfall on her SC? i think the other one is a fan made one.
  13. which SoundCloud is that? i know she posted Rattle vs. Waterfall on her SC? i think the other one is a fan made one.
  14. yassssss that sounds divine! we can never have too much Jessie!
  15. yassssss that sounds divine! we can never have too much Jessie!
  16. i don't think there was even a final tracklist for TIHRS. i thought she said she was bouncing around like 50 songs or something!
  17. i don't think there was even a final tracklist for TIHRS. i thought she said she was bouncing around like 50 songs or something!
  18. she said in an interview that Long Way From Home was written while she was with Xenomania and she took it with her to Prospect Park. so maybe there is a chance that she took some of her other songs with her to Virgin!
  19. i've heard rumors about it but nothing solid. also there was a snippet of the final version of Petty Theft in one of the This Is How Rumors Start webisodes.
  20. Dope Sick Shorty didn't really leak, she played it during one of her webcasts. so the version that is out there is a LQ recording ha
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