did you ever notice the bloopers? like Sophia constantly changing age? and Rose saying her last name wasn't her husband's last name, which it was, but that of her adoptive parents? there was loads more
i love this show so much! i remember they were going to do a TV movie ala the original Brady Bunch Movies with the original cast but it never came about and now Betty's the only one left.
Neon was scheduled for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012...etc Jessie was going to release in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012... and the rumor mill is buzzing for all four
I have her three singles, plus remixes and other stuff. i love her, her voice is great too! her first single Crazy Crazy [soundcloud][/soundcloud] her second single Fly Away [soundcloud][/soundcloud] her third single Ran for My Life [soundcloud][/soundcloud] most of her stuff is produced by Cirkut and Pilzbury. thoughts?
Aw Cypher! :'( everyone here has been really nice to me! Ashley loves Elen Levon and is open to just about every other artist plus she goes out of her way to find everything by one particular artist just for us to enjoy Mo is that artistic kid you knew from HS but never spoke to, if you had you would have known he loves the same stuff you do! Mona Lisa, i don't know your real name!, is one classy broad Shemale brings the flavor to the site Charli! a Jessie Malakouti fan after my own heart and Cypher is that helpful big brother you always wanted. i know i can turn to you if i have any problem