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  1. Why not putting your songs on spotify ?
  2. I didn't know He has 2 daughters ? What a lovely family
  3. Ashley Olsen is now a mom 😊
  4. Leonardo DiCaprio Ally Brooke (i think she is still a virgin ?) Victoria Justice
  5. @cmiley Lindsay Lohan is very pregnant and will be a mother soon. Louis Tomlinson is also a father since 2016.
  6. Jennifer Aniston Dr. Luke Bonnie Mckee
  7. Let's list all the celebrities without children !
  8. look like you're not even trying to make consistent lies anymore
  9. also acting manic on breathe heavy https://exhale.breatheheavy.com/forums/topic/818794-tiny-litle-britmastell-me-am-i-a-sinner-early-mix-w-new-outro-scary-mix-4/page/2/
  10. I am truly sorry but you need to stop practicing clairvoyance because everything you predicted just didn't happen
  11. What songs do you think that will never leak ?
  12. you are what you are but without even trying, you are so funny



    You made my day 😂😂😂😂


  13. Felicia a liar ? I can't believe it. Once again Britney seems to have memory loss or want attention. I am so tired of her immaturity and her acting like a dumb child. Everything she managed to do since she is free is to lose her children again and show the world she does really have a big problem and look ridiculous
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