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Everything posted by tajd

  1. I like anime Pokemon 2000 is my favourite film
  2. Nintendo & PlayStation. I’ve always had bought. Nintendo for Nintendo only games and PlayStation for PlayStation and 3rd party games.
  3. Tough choice I’d go for pizza who doesn’t love bread
  4. speak of the devil I did listen to there album yesterday for the first time and did not like it but loved No Surrender, since Steps bothered elements of there music videos can they bother no surrender and cover it. The chorus is so infectious
  5. Hello Ben! Welcome to PHF
  6. one of your girls troye sivan I didn’t expect a mid tempo song to such a bop
  7. Currently playing this game for the first time. I’ve 2 Stars it’s great fun.
  8. How young are you 😂
  9. It’s called let love come to me. I have it. it’s like over 12 years old. Like Lisa, Claire has a ton of unreleased content.
  10. I don’t leak what I buy I told you this already. I saw the leak of V2 of sweet freedom, again to whoever leaked it that was their choice to do so. I’ll never leak anything I have. Very retro.
  11. Well I was wrong about this. 1 song did leak by Steps maybe someday we will get a mass leak.
  12. Anything Steps and now solo steps stuff going in at number 2 is tradition at this stage. Very happy she sold well that means more music.
  13. Why would I leak stuff for I paid hundreds for? Little unfair on my behalf ain't it. I don't have all of them I am missing 4 tracks.
  14. Remixes coming next week on the digital deluxe so far are. Surrender (Radio Edit) [this is 40 seconds shorter] I Surrender (7th Heaven Mix) [not a surprise as the edit is on the deluxe] Never Knew Love Like This Before (Sudlow Remix) Never Trust A Stranger (Shortland Remix) Never Trust A Stranger (Sudlow Remix) Song For The Lonely (7th Heaven Remix) [again a given as the edit is on the deluxe] Summer Night City (7th Heaven Remix Edit) Summer Night City (7th Heaven Remix) Summer Night City (Extended Mix) Summer Night City (lan Masterson Remix) No More Tears (Enough Is Enough) (Sudlow Remix) Euphoria [JRMX Club Mix] Euphoria [JRMX Radio Edit] Euphoria [Live from Eurovision Village, Liverpool] Gloria JRMX Club Mix] Gloria JRMX Radio Edit] So Emotional [Le Flex Retro Remix] Summer Night City [Claire Solo Version] Summer Night City [7th Heaven Remix Edit] (a new 3rd version) This Time I Know It's For Real [Shortland Mix] very very happy with the news of a solo summer night city. Shame there is no more unreleased tracks coming as of this post and no Xanadu remix oh well
  15. Tracks I like are No More Tears, Xanadu, I Surrender, Songs For The Lonely, Euphoria, So Emotional, This Time I Know It’s For Real, Gloria. Tracks I don’t like Summer Night City, Never Trust a Stranger, Never Know Love Like This Before, Love is a Battlefield, Goodbye To Love. I wanted to like SNC but I don’t like Andy’s voice and with duets I always think the main artist should release a solo version so fans get the best of both worlds.
  16. They remixed A Hundred Years of Winter also it was ready for the remix ep but delayed it for the platinum party and pre party album but was temporally sold online before it was taken down.
  17. They didn't remix To The Beat of My Heart or Heartbreak In This City. I still dream of them remixing Heartbreak, like you I hate they skipped 7th heaven remixes on both
  18. This and All Out of Love are “The Steps songs that got away” could you imagine all 5 members on DJ & then just the girls on All Out of Love, oh what could have been. Another You, Another Me is an fantastic album full of great tracks. DJ, All Out of Love, Another You, Another Me, You’re a Love Song, Nothing at All, Invincible, Too Close To Tears. Shoutout to the terrific B Side, Don’t Give Up, Don’t Let Go. It would never happen but just imagine They got Lee, Faye & Lisa back in the studio to record some verses from a couple of songs and re-release this album as a Steps album?
  19. The preview for the music video for SNC is awful. Claire must have zero budget for music videos except for an iPhone but we still love our discount queen. How does it look worse than I Surrender music video and a feature music video doesn’t even have the feature according to the preview. Claire loves to penny pinch.
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