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Everything posted by Aftershock088

  1. How do you guys know which tracks are from which sessions and stuff? I don’t really mind whether I mix them up or not, I’m just finding it difficult to find a good order of tracklists for an ‘album’ or two. Also, I’m intrigued to hear what the full version of ‘Welcome To The World’ sounds like.
  2. Welcome to the forum 😁
  3. Whoa hold up - ‘Hands Up’? Is that a track? I’ve not heard of that one 🤯
  4. Ah ok, fair enough. I think I might just add it to my playlist regardless as I love the song 🤗
  5. Catching Feelings?
  6. Not sure what the other leaks are. Are you referring to the 2:46 version of I Can Still Dance? I weren’t sure if that was the full version or not.
  7. Ok, so I haven’t been on here for absolutely ages but I just wanted to say that the following songs have now leaked (I know some have already been mentioned): - Rewind Your Heart - Stay Lonely, Get Paid - Everything But You - S.L.A.Y. (HQ Version) - Hey Alligator - Jenny’s Got A Boyfriend (‘Final Album Version’) - I Can Still Dance (Snippet) - So-Called Life Call me ungrateful but I’m still sitting here years later waiting for ‘Don’t Get Mad, Get Famous’ and ‘Legends Only’ 😖 Also, has anyone heard her song ‘Resurrection’ released under LVCRFT in October? It’s pretty good 😁
  8. Ok so wow, a few days ago I discovered that Bonnie has two songs on a newly-released, Halloween-themed album called 'The Sequel' by LVCRFT. Her featured 'character' name on the album is Evil McQueen. The song titles are Ferocious and Dressed To Kill. I love both tracks (Dressed To Kill being my favourite). Let me know what you guys think! ?
  9. So there's actually a full studio version of S.L.AY.? God, it's so frustrating! Exactly - we want them as the version they are now. To be fair to Bonnie, she usually does respond to her DMs, so hopefully she'll reply to you (preferably with a "yes I will keep them all the same"), we can only hope ?
  10. Yeah I thought so too! But apart from that snippet, I can't find any info ANYWHERE on when it was recorded etc. Hopefully it will resurface in another life hah
  11. Oh ok, just checking - didn't wanna risk being banned before I've even hit 10 posts haha In that case: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-75954260
  12. Not sure if I'm allowed to post the link on here, but if you Google it there's a 10 second snippet of it along with quite a few of her full versions of some tracks too.
  13. Yeah I agree. I think the whole album would be full of solid tracks throughout if we did. Also I agree with your previous post about her being alongside Porcelain Black when it comes to unreleased stuff. Been a fan of them both for so long. It's so annoying that all their hidden gems may never be officially released or heard ?? Also, why has no-one mentioned 'Legends Only'? Does anyone know what era that might've been? Sounds like it could be quite recent
  14. Wow ok, so this is my first post on here. I've just read all of the Bonnie McKee threads and I've gotta say, it's exhausting that we're still at the point of nowhere! I share all of your frustrations about her lack of music releases. I've just read that there are existing studio versions of Don't Get Mad, Get Famous and I Wanna Fucking Call You, I wanna hear these so bad! Along with I Get What I Want
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