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Everything posted by Lonely

  1. 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳
  2. A real entertainment 😂 . This is a such a guilty pleasure, i have to confess i never laughed that much 🤣🤣 Everytime the crazy psycho ass is posting, i laugh myself to death.
  3. Since i'm @duff, let's archive this new manic moment for the poooliiiiceeeee
  4. yes ! And i'm also @Dax Diameter and @duff . Don't care of your essay ! i'm actually listening to Wife HQ in Peru
  5. From march 6 , 2023
  6. About what i see, SLAY is coming on June 21. Really good news. They expect at least 20 000 streams before july to make the album happen. So i hope you guys will not let Bonnie down.
  7. What do you think of Giorgia Meloni ? And what do you think of her rolling back anti-poverty subsidies ? https://www.digitaljournal.com/world/italy-cuts-anti-poverty-subsidies-as-critics-slam-provocation/article
  8. Any new leak coming ? 😭
  9. Have all of the Bonnie unreleased floating around leaked or there still are some unleaked ?
  10. Britney, Madonna ... soon Jessica Simpson ? 😁 😂
  11. Remember the time we have to go on this site to find leak ? 😅
  12. i don't have access to the media leak section
  13. are you talking about the Blackoutzone's one ?
  14. Few discord which have shared the Taylor Swift album are now gone. The power she has ...
  15. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/675022997186412583/1024089374457069629/Sugar_Rush_DEMO_1.2.mp3 Sugar Rush
  16. Today, this night.
  17. More than $100 000 she can buy a house 💀
  18. 190 ? 💀 It's $50 a song ? So almost 10 000 dollars for the seller. Damn ! 😲
  19. Bonnie McKee - Wild Card LQ Snippet https://onlyfiles.io/f/334dd15a3c7644ba8bcc5d04427944dd
  20. Really happy for the coming album but wasn't she supposed to have lost all her songs due to her hard-drive problem ?
  21. you are banned for 1 week or forever ?
  22. and now, why are you banned again ?
  23. why are you banned from leaked.cx @tropicalian ?
  24. Bonnie Mckee - Battle Royale https://onlyfiles.io/f/bc4393d121a84f80bc940da6e98c500c Bonnie Mckee - Psycho https://onlyfiles.io/f/ab7ec6ee22e8458a89a082e14937f370
  25. is it true @ElectroLove ?
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