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Everything posted by wordshaker

  1. Mollie, get off the internet. We all know you have to some voice lessons to attend to.
  2. Clearly he saw enough to steer clear after one day. She probably tried to touch his package with her man hands- and he wasn't having any of that girls shit.
  3. We don't need a watered down Britney Spears though.. the most success she'd get over here is cleaning my toilet.
  4. The gods are clearly angry with her for making "Gold Trans Am" a bonus track. You don't pull that kind of shit in the pop world Ke$ha. It is wrong. You have sinned and now you feel the consequences of your actions.
  5. But let us not also forget that the reason she had a panic attack was because she had to listen to Mollie's lisp for a solid 10 minutes without any escape. On top of the raging homosexuals that were go go dancing all around her, of course panic is going to ensue. Mollie clearly had to apologize to Frankie which is why Frankie was able to go onstage. And let's remember, when Frankie's locked away, The Sats hit the hay. My Heart Takes Over got to #15. Notable things about that release: Frankie Sandford, the band itself, was absent from promo and PR. Frankie Sandford, ruler of all, vacuuming her lawn like a queen.
  6. Mollie's lisp has made me lose hearing in my left ear. She is dead to me. Let us not forget, when Frankie was faced with a harsh mental break down what did she do? She realized that those 4 poor girls needed her on stage to perform their smash club hit "Notorious" or else they'd flop. She stepped up to the plate and danced her ass off, and sang her ass off too, providing amazing vocals and moves (receipt: Chasing The Saturdays - Ep. 4 #DeepFriedSats on Vimeo 17:20.) *I do like Mollie's hair color though. Very lush.
  7. It's Dr. Lukes fault.
  8. Not talented?? She's a pretty good singer. A fantastic dancer. A brilliant pop star. She is kind, sweet, and hilarious. She's the Mother Theresa of the 21st century. She's graced 4 poor girls with her presence for about 7 years now, giving them fame and fortune. She's always thinking about others and it's so sweet. Edit: She also Hoover's her lawn. Key factor there.
  9. She has no desire to go on RuPaul's Drag Race though..
  10. Snatching Rochelle's weave, and making some improvements to it as well.
  11. Frankie >>>>>
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