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Everything posted by Shadelena

  1. It's coming early next year! (If the lead hits 😅)
  2. The next singles are more dancey and 90s synth if that makes sense
  3. Honestly the song is a bop. Even though i prefer the 2017 version that was more electronic. The demo that leaked was the mid tempo version
  4. This sounds so disgusting and disturbing I am one of the lucky ones who never seen this but I wish they can find the source where those videos came from
  5. 08.25 She's currently adding new additional touches to the song UMG site: illbesinglesoon.com Originally made for Rare with Benny Blanco (v1) and Cashmere Cat (V2-3); reworked for SG3 since it didn't fit Rare's narrative or flop sound Snippet: Event: (Promote the release and tease the album sound): https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/club-90s-single-soon-selena-gomez-night/
  6. I guess the last project she made for fun was the collaborative scrapped EP with Justin
  7. None of her sessions are for fun since she's more a singer than a songwriter , if that makes sense. Yes the song was made in 2017 and had two different producers. The version that leaked recently is leading to the 90s-2000s dance production she's looking for. I personally don't love the song but she knows what she's doing I guess..
  8. Told y'all as always lol She's so funny. She's using a 2017 track for The Weeknd as her lead nnnnnn
  9. Idk anything about this , but XTINA was working with Tainy and they pitched a Selena unreleased to her but since she released the album and it wasn't on it I thought it was never used/scrapped. It could be that or a brand new song or just nothing
  10. We need the other 2 songs made on that session :(. It's one of her best bops
  11. Tell that to her label , producers and herself . I ain't her nor igaf about what you think
  12. If y'all like Dua, Ava Max and early Britney you will like this album
  13. Anxiety sonically makes sense for Julia's project. Issues sonically makes sense to revival and also the crew who produced and wrote the song worked with Selena for Revival writing camp There's another scrapped Julia Selena collab called It Gets Better which leads to a more "dark" pop sound
  14. You are the only 30-yo fan with a mean-girls personality trying to look edgy on a pop forum
  15. More like Dance pop with some 90s , all fun songs mid-tempo it's the most ""sad"" Selena literally recorded a version of the song for the scrapped Revival Re-release lmfao
  16. Sigh I need her back. Slow Down is one of her best songs ever
  17. Just like Issues was originally for Selena and sounded so much like her song . Exactly she needs to get out of her comfort zone like she did with Revelación. The new tracks are fire, don't get me wrong, but I was hoping for a bigger change of team
  18. that is so good but she keeps all the serves for herself now
  19. She's great but she needs to move on and get in touch with new people. Julia in rare (Fun) was too much her sound and did not benefit Selena at all
  20. The song is horrible I promise! The rollout is about to start! She's rehearsing to shoot a music video in the upcoming weeks. Hopefully we will hear the bops soon because they are all serves (Hopefully no Julia Michaels songs make the cut)
  21. Selena Gomez: Stars Dance: Sucks To Be You Revival: Me & My Love It Gets Better Droplet era: Rapunzel Show Me Rare: Single Soon Complicated urban version Revelación: unnamed ballad SG3: I Feel Pretty
  22. Selena Gomez - Diamond
  23. I won't send you snippets babe. Check the whole thread about people saying that you scammed. Keep crying
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