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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. A three year wait between albums. I'm sure tons of fans will love that and buy it first week. Alternatively, Justin Bieber can fuck off back to his gross 20-something has-been world while Zedd enjoys the new tits Selena Gomez originally got for Bieber.
  2. I haven't even heard of Marco Polo tbh, I'll have to look it up. Marco Polo was sooooooo bad. I watched the first three episodes before giving up and it was such complete and utter kitsch that I couldn't take even the good actors seriously. The amount of sex is so gratuitous and it takes the front seat while plot just meanders around. At least during Game of Thrones, the sex scenes normally contain some sort of plot-advancing dialogue.
  3. A woman-beater with a grill and 90s hair. How is he still famous, again?
  4. But Kingpher has overruled Godley. As creator of the universe and originator of the Big Bang, Lord Mo has verified that the post is in fact 96.5% accurate, barring only the judgement of my son and saviour Yeezus. As the inventor of the abstract idea of the universe and current controlling share owner in Milky Way Incorporated, I rule that the post is precisely 66.666666666666% correct.
  5. Super ready for Katy to lose all her nominations again and for Iggy Azalea to become a Grammy winner before her.
  6. Swinging London Town's another really great example of Girls Aloud's lyrics being striking. The bridge in particular is such a biting critique of high society that few other groups would ever be ballsy enough to attempt.
  7. Foxes - Home "These strange faces, it was only yesterday we spoke on the phone. A distant memory from all those years ago, but now I'm looking at these strange faces and I'm not coming home." The stream-of-consciousness style in this song is so incredible. It's the only coming of age song I've ever heard that doesn't come off as trite, which speaks to Foxes' well developed songwriting abilities.
  8. Let's just be real here for a second and say that none of these bitches put on shows near as iconic as Janet Jackson. It had enough impact to end her career singlehandedly. How fucking iconic. But of the four you picked, it was Madge. Bey's setlist was a tragedy, Bruno's was boring overall and Katy is Katy.
  9. Why...? In what way does that song relate to anything Katy's ever done? It would have made more sense to bring in Juicy J or Kanye who she's both had featured on singles. Missy was featured on a remix of Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.), which didn't end up being the single version.
  10. And yet he remains more of an icon than you ever were, when you spent two weeks pretending to be a leak blog. Nobody likes him anymore lmao look at his asks. He's annoying. Sis, clearly you're biased, having hated him since he exposed you. Only like 20% of his asks are hate. The rest is praise on TOSTB and his personal blog. Stay dusty. No, I only hate him because he tried claiming he was me on LB when someone asked "what's your username on Lanaboards" so when I called him out on it, he got all pissed and tried to do whatever he could to "drag" although his drags are awful... Honey, you clearly can't take a damn joke. No one in their right mind actually believed he was you.
  11. And yet he remains more of an icon than you ever were, when you spent two weeks pretending to be a leak blog. Nobody likes him anymore lmao look at his asks. He's annoying. Sis, clearly you're biased, having hated him since he exposed you. Only like 20% of his asks are hate. The rest is praise on TOSTB and his personal blog. Stay dusty.
  12. And yet he remains more of an icon than you ever were, when you spent two weeks pretending to be a leak blog.
  13. True, but some of the writing on TFM is beyond pop fodder though. Yeah, but in that case, it's mostly impersonal. Good writing, not applicable.
  14. Normally this game is done with the phrase "In my ass".
  15. I really don't understand how any Gaga song could've saved someone's life and I never will. Speaking as someone who's had multiple songs hit close to home on bad nights, there's no way I would ever have a personal connection of any sort with Gaga's discography, simply because I don't feel like most of it is any more than just pop fodder. She rarely writes songs that feel personal and even when she does, with songs like Brooklyn Nights, Brown Eyes and Fooled Me Again (Honest Eyes), they all make reference to her abusive ex-boyfriend. I don't think she can write happy/uplifting personal songs.
  16. 1. Bright Light Bright Light - Make Me Believe In Hope This album first came to my attention when I was at sort of a crossroads in my life. I connect with every song on a really deep level and there are actually a few I can't even listen to anymore, because they make me an insensate sobbing mess. I can't recommend this album enough. If you only listen to one from my list, make it this one. 2. Lykke Li - I Never Learn Sometimes it's okay to feel desolate. It's a good way to wipe the slate clean and build yourself back up again. Unfortunately, catharsis of that type is normally difficult to achieve; That's why I turn to this album whenever I need to get back on my feet. It's 34 minutes of pure emotional agony and afterwards, there's nowhere to go but up. 3. Miike Snow - Miike Snow I pull this one out when I feel contemplative. There are a lot of layers in the music and whenever I have a free evening, I try to divine meaning and relevance in this album's calming electronic ocean of beats. As many times as I've listened to this one already, it still manages to surprise me during most listening sessions, with some new quirk that I'd missed before. 4. Uffie - Sex Dreams and Denim Jeans Whenever I'm supremely annoyed or angry, this one comes out to play. Every song is so brash and loud. It's a very in-your-face statement that all these songs make, which makes it perfect to letting off steam. Just imagine yourself screaming lyrics from Pop The Glock or Difficult at the source of your consternation and the feelings just evaporate away. 5. Zowie - Love Demolition I love this album because most of the songs just sound like nothing else. Zowie's stilted vocal style is kinda similar to mine and I can sing pretty much every song proficiently as a result. There are some serious jams that I never really tire of, like the ethereal 5-minute centerpiece of the album, Idiotize and the sassy, frenetic Ping Ping. I only come back to it about once a year, but it gives me a solid week or two of re-listening material. That's hard to do.
  17. Ooooh, this is actually a really good idea. It's conceptually better than trying to stand against the original and it's employing 3 of the funniest female SNL cast members of the last 20 years, which is a huge plus.
  18. I think the first section relies a little too much on the discord/glitchiness. The instrumentals finally get to be really interesting around the end of Rush and into Chainsaw Beauty. Top Tracks: The Coronation (Really great introductory piece), Sad Owl. (Could definitely have had vocals over the top that made such a beautiful melody), Freak (Love how atmospheric it is), Overdose (Very melodically strong), Die For Love (Reminds me a lot of Heaven by Natalia Kills).
  19. I followed the original Tumblr because it was great about reporting Lana-related stuff around the time the Paradise era was kicking off. I joined the forum in summer of 2013 because it seemed like an intimate little community and it was again well-updated with Lana leak drama. I've been to pretty much every radio show since the return (including the last one, with that unleaked Juicy J song ) and really got to know people around here. Also, I just won the "Biggest Bitch" award at the PHF Awards, which is fucking fabulous, because if people are taking my bluntness as bitchiness, I'm doing something right.
  20. You should listen to her breakthrough album Born This Way so you can understand her better! wV1FrqwZyKw I hated that whole era. You clearly didn't listen to Schiße. There were a few songs I did like,like 'Hair' and 'Hair' 'Judas', and oh yeah, 'Hair'. but The rest sucked ass. I did. Then I almost had an stroke. Because it was pop perfection No, it's bullschiße. It's better than any song on The Pinkprint, though... You're kidding, right? Not at all. The Pinkprint is a dull and dated piece of work with approximately 3 tracks worth listening to more than once.
  21. You should listen to her breakthrough album Born This Way so you can understand her better! wV1FrqwZyKw I hated that whole era. You clearly didn't listen to Schiße. There were a few songs I did like,like 'Hair' and 'Hair' 'Judas', and oh yeah, 'Hair'. but The rest sucked ass. I did. Then I almost had an stroke. Because it was pop perfection No, it's bullschiße. It's better than any song on The Pinkprint, though...
  22. Slay a bit. Definitely gonna give it a listen when it comes out because I loved Chainsaw Beauty on the PHF EP.
  23. Considering this shoot was taken before Kesha straightened her hair and went super-blonde, it's the other way around.
  24. You have to download it to find out the tracklist.
  25. Good for her! The more films she stars in, the more money she makes and the more money she makes, the sooner we'll get that new album.
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