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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. Black and Blues is so much more personal, now. :'(
  2. Shoot dat heroin, Sky.
  3. There's nothing passive about your Gaga hate. It's just aggressive.
  4. The Goddess of Pop has spoken. I'm looking forward to the Twitter redux version of this interview, which we'll undoubtedly get in a few days.
  5. Now who's the one with the disgusting mouth?
  6. As long as it's vajazzled, the size doesn't matter.
  7. I know she's a new artist, so she has to get her name out there and all, but these interviews aren't exactly doing wonders for her street cred. She comes off exactly as you'd hope she wouldn't be: a pretentious seventeen-year-old girl who's taken a few creative writing classes in her time. It makes her far more unappealing than she already was. She needs to take some time out and grow up before she gets into that rut where Azealia Banks is currently stuck. I think Chuck was holding back a lot more than she should've, in that tweet. If you're gonna call someone out, do it right.
  8. I mainly remember that cute little laugh she did after the interviewer mentioned it. Shame it was only a radio interview.
  9. Homosexual/Homoromantic/Cisgender I climbed on the D-train around five years ago and haven't gotten off.
  10. Ask if he'd like to snort lines of coke off your dick.
  11. Kathy Griffin is so down-to-earth and earnest. She gives the full story, no bullshit, no lies.
  12. Happy Bitchday to the Lord and Savior of PHF, the Queen of Drag and the foremost fag in all the land!
  13. It's not even really a hiatus. She's got like three more Paradise Tour shows in South America, as well as Tropico coming out in presumably a month or so. I imagine we'll see more leaks, too, so there's that.
  14. That's definitely true.
  15. The one with the long hair was cute. Can't say the same for the other one.
  16. The sad part is that she's the best actor in that mess.
  17. Thanks for the awkward acting nightmares.
  18. Gonna make an intro thread later today, just for you.
  19. I think Robert Rodriguez is slowly making Gaga into his acting muse, in the same way Alexander McQueen (RIP) made her into a fashion/modeling muse. I'm excited to see what they've come up with for Gaga!
  20. All of them got gross middle names. Charlie's full name is Charles Hill Grant, which is admittedly better than Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, but still pretty odd.
  21. Paws off, bitch. He's mine.
  22. It was still better than Justin Timberlake's fifteen minute mini-concert and Miley grinding on Robin Thicke. By minute seven of Justin's performance, I was ready for it to be over, but it just kept going and going. As for Miley, I can't say I'm surprised, but still: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Gurl, I'm all for grinding on hot single men if you can, but Robin Thicke? Neither hot nor single. Her tongue was stuck out at pretty much any time she wasn't singing. It was hard to watch.
  23. I haven't yet met a member on here with bad taste. You guys know what's up.
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