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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. I know that Lana's living it up in Malibu with Rob and Chuck while Gaga's in Chicago doing god knows what. Miley could be in LA for all I know, but just didn't get an invitation, since Bangerz was released too late and her singles weren't Grammy material. I guess Macklemore & Ryan Lewis will have their performance at the end, which is bound to be decent, but until then, we have to sit through all this country shit. I saw Bonnie in the second row and did a vocal "Damn" at how good she looked.
  2. This show has been really bad so far. The saving grace is that Katy doesn't get her Grammy this year and cements the fact that she probably never will.
  3. This is the official cover. The one in the OP is fanmade.
  4. Hush, before you reveal one of our darkest secrets. He can't know the truth about the Illuminati. Or that he's really...the long lost Kardashian sibling.
  5. Great. Maybe he'll advise her to release B-Sides Part 2, now.
  6. Don't do it anonymously, Speak your mind publicly, Or forever hold your peace.
  7. Ugh, I hate how like 20000 people have that song and yet it still hasn't leaked. Same with Text You Pictures and Musicland.
  8. The fact that the tracklists are out basically reduces their rarity by 90%. The very idea that enough people have these tracks for one of them to spill the beans indicates that it's definitely more than one person with access to them. That makes our odds infinitely better to get them. The number of people with them just increases exponentially from here. The people with the songs right now will probably end up giving them away in confidence to a friend or two. Those friends will share them with their other friends, who will in turn share them with more people and so on and so forth, until they've percolated so deeply that they'll leak. It's the cycle of any song. I suspect that all the new tracks will leak at the same time. I don't think anyone would bother with trading for just a track or two when we already have all this information about the album as a whole.
  9. I almost prefer the basic one with just the words.
  10. The underlying issues that heralded the eating disorder already existed before Luke, but without his influence, the disorder probably never would've manifested. That's not to say that something else wouldn't have eventually triggered them, but she might've been better prepared to deal with it, were she not under contract. P.S. Her name is Pebe, not Phoebe.
  11. There's a ton of older ones that were censored. [img width=496 height=352] [img width=650 height=487] [img width=500 height=353]
  12. I've seen that one before and it's hilarious closer up; Looks like she's getting eaten by a flower.
  13. Ashley, you need a Lifetime movie based on your life like right now.
  14. God, I fucking hate little punk bitches like him. He does all these shitty things to other people (the mop bucket incident comes to mind) and then hides behind security. I hope this does end up becoming a felony so he can get some jail time, tbh.
  15. Remain pressed, Britard. At least LMs don't have a website that literally every fanbase refers to as Exhell.
  16. Xenia, one of Ke$ha's good friends, just posted this and asked for the word to be spread. If you've got a Tumblr or Twitter account, share the hell out of it. http://onceuponamidnightsun.tumblr.com/post/72150299881/please-take-your-time-to-read-this
  17. Just got some info from the FreeKe$ha people. Apparently, this is largely a result of Dr. Luke. He's been verbally abusing her (calling her fat, ugly, etc.) in the studio while they're working together. All the more reason to hate him.
  18. If the one for ARTPOP ends up being Gypsy, I will take a knife and drive it firmly into a wooden effigy of her face while muttering voodoo spells.
  19. Cunt Face, Casey and Gayfid all had an orgy. They then died of jealousy. It was very sad. The End.
  20. Cunt Face, Casey and Gayfid all had an orgy. They then died of jealousy. It was very sad. The End.
  21. By fucking him, of course! He flipped over Mo's catheter-filled corpse and shoved the rigor mortis'd dick into his tiny vagina. Mo immediately sprang to life and began singing awful mashups again.
  22. By fucking him, of course! He flipped over Mo's catheter-filled corpse and shoved the rigor mortis'd dick into his tiny vagina. Mo immediately sprang to life and began singing awful mashups again.
  23. Mo was killed in the explosion. Casey and Gayfid then began to take turns stuffing Mo's burnt corpse full of rubble and catheters. Cunt Face watched from the parking lot.
  24. Mo was killed in the explosion. Casey and Gayfid then began to take turns stuffing Mo's burnt corpse full of rubble and catheters. Cunt Face watched from the parking lot.
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