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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. Those fake ass lens flares though.
  2. Historical: 1519
  3. You can find me here on Last.fm I don't have an 8tracks account, since I despise streaming services with ads.
  4. She wasn't. This was at Elton John's after-party.
  5. It explains some of the crazy shit he's done over the years, but I still don't have much sympathy for him. He'll always be Fist Brown to me.
  6. Bolded the fakes for you. You also forgot Jealous Girl V2.
  7. Stop it, I'm gonna cry.
  8. Fake. They were scrobbled by someone on Last.fm who likes to fuck with people. Rollercoaster is an alternate title for a real song and Cinnamon is an alternate title for the Radio demo, but the rest are fake.
  9. I'm 1000000% certain that these are going to be instrumentals.
  10. As far as I'm aware, there isn't a version with every single bonus track. Such a shame, because all the bonus tracks are pretty good.
  11. Yes. Azealia only sent over her demo of Red Flame with the rap verse she performed on that live chat. Gaga didn't choose to proceed with the project. As far as I'm aware, Ratchet was just the reverse. Gaga sent Azealia a very rough demo of it, but Azealia wasn't able to work it out.
  12. Just a few things: What the fuck is 8You? Same with Buoy Boy. I've never once heard either of those titles. That whole "Musicland was supposed to be performed live" thing was a hoax. OGG just made up that story so the snippet leak would be more controversial and interesting. When did she promise No Way with new lyrics? To Night Is does not exist. Someone just misheard Tinnitus from that radio interview. Red Flame is the proper title of the song you have listed as Red Flame. Gaga didn't ever promise it, but Azealia did. In fact, Gaga never even recorded vocals for it.
  13. #DeportBieber to a country without a recording studio.
  14. That's a lot of shoulder for a Saudi Arabian album cover. Someone put a sweater on her.
  15. Daddy's Girl, Television and Trouble say hello.
  16. I torrented the whole first season about a year ago. As I recall, I reached episode 3 before realizing that while it was an incredible show, I'm totally not within the target audience. It felt like something that was probably an important cultural touchstone, but I just couldn't get excited about continuing with it.
  17. It all seemed so cursory. We all knew that Cordelia was going to be able to complete them and nobody else would before the episode even began, so it was just a matter of who died first. Even that wasn't all that interesting. I'm just kinda pissed at the fact that their original powers were just dropped when they were no longer convenient for plot development. The last half had arguably the best scene in the series, between Fiona and Cordelia. I didn't care much for the huge line of witches in front of the academy or the fact that they turned the witches into a thinly veiled metaphor for LGBTQ people, but the last half was just so well acted that it makes up for the messy plot.
  18. I always kinda figured he was gay or bi. You wouldn't get that haircut if you were 100% straight.
  19. I have all the melodies in my head and I can sing them acapella (when my limited range allows me to), but I've never had a desire to put an instrumental of any kind to them. It's almost more fun to just leave them in sort of a half-imagined state, just so I wouldn't be disappointed if I ever tried to make them real. That said, I might share the lyrics to Chandelier at some point. It's one of my fave songs from the VOPM days. I think one of my other projects might be more your speed, tbh. Enthroned (my third incarnation) had Midnight, which was basically an album of just dance smashes and slow burning introverted sex romps. That was so much fun to write.
  20. You know, I've been going back and forth on what my debut album would hypothetically be, ever since I started songwriting about three years back. I've written about five albums worth of content under four different aliases and though I've never produced any of it, I do consider occasionally which one I'd release first. I think the one I'm proudest of is probably Ornamental Ego, which I wrote under the pseudonym Valley of Pall Malls. Public would hate it, except for the first single, but I think it's got the most complete spirit of the five.
  21. The performance of the Seven Wonders was actually so incredibly boring that I muted the TV and went to make myself a sandwich rather than sit through it. Glad that Madison died, since I hated her character, but I wish that Cordelia would've brought back Nan instead of Zoe. At least Nan's story was interesting, unlike Zoe's idiotic boy toy arc, which just turned into badly written fanfic after two episodes. Regardless, the second half of the finale was really good. Cordelia came into her own, just as I'd always wanted her to and Fiona was the emotional center of the whole damn thing. I wish the whole season could've been as good as the second half of the finale.
  22. God, I love that one.
  23. This song is so fucking gross. It makes me sad that the GP has slipped to the point that they can stand to listen to that awful trap beat without vomiting.
  24. I've had so many albums ruined for me like this, over the years. I tried to avoid it with ARTPOP, by only listening to the radio premiere of Applause and watching the video just once until the album dropped, but since I heard it a billion times on the radio before then, it didn't really work. I did manage to boycott DWUW, though. All I did for that one was listen to the 30 second snippet.
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