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Beauty King

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Everything posted by Beauty King

  1. I love you with the fiery hot intensity of 1000 suns. :oops:
  2. I suggest an award for "Best Username That Subverts Traditional American Iconography With A Gender Swap".
  3. Some of these song titles are so trash. I can only imagine the lyrics.
  4. I just rewatched Saw and Saw II not too long ago (as several members on here can attest ) and was just as mindfucked as the first time I saw them. Amazing films.
  5. I see you're stanning Ivy Levan with that member description. Might give this a listen later this week.
  6. Yes, the handwriting is hers and she was the director of the video. I think this photo is a screencap direct from the video.
  7. Hoping for Fergie to come back and slay everyone
  8. It's Sever, not Server.
  9. Circular argument, darling. You were rude before I called you anything.
  10. Or maybe it's the fact that some people are just confrontational dickwads with no sense of when it's perhaps a bit more reasonable to be polite.
  11. Someone who has access to the fucking emails, but okay, be a bitch about it. There wasn't a second version in the emails and the second part is an assumption based on that, from the person.
  12. I found Lion horrible looking and Mountain Lion to just make it worse. I wouldn't touch Mavericks with a ten foot pole.
  13. I've heard from a pretty reliable source that this doesn't exist. The original file is labeled "Playground (no rap)", but it was never finished, as they apparently either couldn't find a rapper or just didn't like the way it was turning out.
  14. "Trans Am" was actually written on a paper that was laying on a desk in one of those pictures of Lana in Emile Haynie's studio from these past few months. That's why it was put on the fake tracklist.
  15. It's fucking lame that this only works for OS 10.7 or above.
  16. Trans Am is a potential Ultraviolence title, so the odds of anyone having it are exactly zero, unless they're on Lana's team.
  17. Smartie is a demo of Smarty. Like Your Friend Did is one of the titles that the LDR.fm admins scrobbled.
  18. Eh, she only took a year or so to record it, which means there won't be nearly as many as there are for BTD, which is a blessing and a curse, depending on how you look at it. Her security's also improved since BTD, so there's going to be less access to those few demos for those who might try to get at them.
  19. Think about what happened to Paradise though. We still haven't gotten any demo versions from that, despite the fact that we know at least a few exist.
  20. This isn't even the first time she's done it. The first time they worked together was for the Puke interlude at The Monster Ball. You have no room to complain, as you chose to watch the video, knowing full well what would happen. Her decision, her body and her choice to perform it. She explained all of this, but like the Britard you are, you didn't bother searching for it. It's about the aftereffects of rape and how it's hard to feel clean ever again after someone's violated you in such a way. This is her way of dealing with a very serious experience in her life and frankly, is more personal than anything she's done before.
  21. She admitted she was raped right before this performance. The vomit was symbolic.
  22. Heath Ledger, Evan Peters and Max George? Girl gets around.
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