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Beauty King

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Beauty King last won the day on December 10 2017

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  1. Fake. This is one of those obviously made up ones that people used to post all the time, back in the early 2010s.
  2. This was just a list of tracks to pick from. She explained that last time she posted it, a few years ago. Also, No One Ever Loved is not unleaked.
  3. That's because it just links to the generic upload playlist from her official Youtube channel, which includes every music video she's released. Sleepwalker is 100% not on the album.
  4. Heavy Metal Lover was the very last song recorded for the album, right before it was turned in. Don't think it changed any plans.
  5. Beauty King


    FOTP doesn't want this pedophile back either. He's had at least two accounts banned from there. Also, you should probably be aware that the admin of COP is actually a pedophile as well. He's solicited nudes from minors before, knowing they were underage.
  6. First is probably "Weapons of Mass Creation" and the second is definitely the registered song "Something Beautiful".
  7. The registration ID number associated with the song confirms that it was first given an ID in 2014. I sort of doubt it's for her album.
  8. The FBI has released a statement saying that they have found no connection to ISIL in their investigation.
  9. Dude, ISIL claims responsibility for every attack on US soil, whether they were involved or not. Like 90% of the time, they're just making shit up to try to score points. This guy probably wasn't an Islamic terrorist. He definitely is a terrorist, though.
  10. And he wonders why people aren't willing to trade with him.
  11. A pretty large number of people have "Star Dust" (that's what people have been calling it to distinguish it from the tyDi collab "Stardust"), so it could get out eventually.
  12. Definitely not real, because Kill My Boyfriend was recorded after the European version had been turned in already.
  13. It was a play on the Westboro Baptist Church's website, which is GodHatesFags.com
  14. Footage of Selena Gomez recording a new song has also been leaked!
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