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Everything posted by Versace

  1. He used to call me AF That stood for amazing fucker.
  2. I can record one song using oddcast
  3. the first Dementor concept is amazing, they are more creep than the movie.
  4. Adam, jealousy is a desire, get well soon
  5. ready to be slayed
  6. thank you boo
  7. this is fucking amazing, sounds like a psychedelic pop. The download link isn't working
  8. Versace


    my mustard could mean anything
  9. mine is because i'm stupid and just made stupid choices
  10. Lady Gaga Lana Del Rey and in this year i will see Miley Cyrus :rockon:
  11. Natalia is a good girl, I hope she back soon
  12. February 15th
  13. I'd love to see a Controversy EDM Version, btw I hope this song slay in the clubs. Because her feat. With LMFAO sucks
  14. Finally, but i still waiting for Slap My Vagina
  15. 24 Hours will slay, you know when it will be officially released?
  16. It will be the new single?
  17. Fergie
  18. Lol, here is 5:20am and i don't slleep yet
  19. Congrats, Ashley. We know you will be the most flawless mother in the world. Welcome, Lizzy.
  20. Congrats, Ashley. We know you will be the most flawless mother in the world. Welcome, Lizzy.
  21. I want buy the physical copy of Animal+Cannibal by Ke$ha and in my country dont sell this cd, the only alternative is buy in Amazon, but i dont have international card to make this. I really need this cd in my life. Can someone send me a $5 Amazon Gift Card? Help the little poor girl :'( :'( I just have $5 dollars in total, God bless your soul.
  22. yep, and illegally. But i pre-ordered my physical copy, so.....
  23. Im really excited to hear Mary Piggy Holland
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