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Everything posted by Versace

  1. thank u guys
  2. can someone please tell me what songs are from utopia session?
  3. i loved the ep and i hope the album stay in the same vibe
  4. Finally UV unreleased
  5. two more days till my comeback

    1. trayertrash


      it's been 2 days, where's the comeback? 

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Clearly someone was taught by Gaga how to let her fans down... :'( 

  6. good kid, m.a.a.d city Born This Way Cupid Deluxe
  7. I only heard about that game cuz CVRCHES released a song for this
  8. dead at The Minions
  9. he posted some snippets of a song called Rise on his snapchat
  10. Don't Hurt Yourself - Queen B
  11. all the official releases I try to get in iTunes quality (.m4a), the unreleased stuffs in 320kpbs or 254 (but sometimes you have to be satisfied with 192kbps)
  12. gagsz most of my snaps is just me smooking weed and listening some whos
  13. I thought half of this songs were from Lana Del Rey era, TV In Black & White is one of my favorite songs all time
  14. Good cover, would you mind do an mixtape with the Lizzy Grant era songs?
  15. More jams like Dance In The Dark please
  16. could you do one for me?
  17. Her vocals sounds ways better in this version, could you post your version? Id love hear it
  18. could you post the SXM version?
  19. Some peoples have listened to the album and said the songs will be different of Formation
  20. You still stan for Azealia ? Lol. I still bumpo her old stuff but her newer things are just not up to par /: her CD is fantastic, I listen to it everyday
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