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Peter Parker

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Everything posted by Peter Parker

  1. Kinda off topic but is she a natural redhead?
  2. Everything But You (Fanmade Final Mix) Back when EBY leaked, someone made this "mastered" mix (thanks), which tbh I prefer because in this one the song feels more explosive and complete in comparison to that one that leaked where the bass is super weak.
  3. thank youuuuuuuuuuuu
  4. Hit Me Up uploaded it for you
  5. Love it, can you make it a file and post it please?
  6. ...i wanna fucking call you (final) or everything but you (final) please
  8. HIT ME UPPP!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I love the lower pitch of the guitar
  9. somebody made a fan mix of Everything But You where the bass is louder and sounds amazing, a true pop jem, now, leak Hit Me Up
  10. Imagine if she did a demo for C'Mon...holy God I'd love that
  11. where's forever 21
  12. you bring out the worst in me
  13. everyday I wake up and log into this site hoping that Cobra finally leaked

  14. Sky Ferreira - Cobra leaking WHEN

  15. Me in 2018 when pop music was so dead and everything was so trap-esque that all I listened to was 2011-2014 music
  16. S.L.A.Y. was ROBBED
  17. Wait......Neon and Benny what
  18. Now, what's your least favorite Bonnie song?
  19. S.L.A.Y. is THE song, and I Wanna Fucking Call You, Everything But You, Sleepwalker, Electric Heaven
  20. Didn't know I needed I Want It All instrumental until now, thank you!!
  21. Despite HMU isn't that important, I'm curious to hear it because I knew this song since 2016 and I had no idea there was a Bonnie's version, and Forever 21 to complete the album Right Now can remain unleaked forever tho 😅
  22. omg i hate work interviews i wasn't born to be a worker i was born to be a class traitor 😭

  23. Oh please, me too 😭
  24. Hello there! I want to know what's y'alls favorite pop music era The 2000s R&B-pop The 80s synth pop The 90s pop The 2000s pop punk/rock The late 2000s/early 2010s electro-club pop Mid 2010s tropical-EDM pop The late 2010s trap-pop And any other In my case, I have an obsession with the electropop-speakers blower-made for the club- era, I love that era, especially the sidechain razor bass synths, I love them. Sadly I couldn't get to enjoy it properly because I was young then. And the 2000s pop punk, oh God, those guitars and that aesthetic in general, I love it! As well as that alternative rock-influenced pop with those distorted guitars, such a great era, but again sadly I couldn't enjoy that because I'm a 2000s kid so of course I wasn't able to enjoy it on their peak. But what's y'all fave era out of every pop music trends? Feel free to recommend some buried underrated gems of the era you like the most!
  25. Leak S.L.A.Y. instrumental
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