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Mona Lisa

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Everything posted by Mona Lisa

  1. So many new games are coming out soon that I really wanna get! Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Pokemon X/Y just to name a few. I'm so excited to play them. What's your favourite video game and why? And why don't we have a games section?
  2. Mad cos no one's cummed over Gaga since 2006? I'm loving Perez atm tho. Where are the lies?
  3. OMG. I love how she's just like all smiling and happy and then the camera just cuts off lmfao. Dying.
  4. This is a good one! All yours are better than mine, I need to keep working.
  5. Omfg. :'( I'm actually getting tears in my eyes thanks to all these amazing responses! You guys are so sweet and amazing. You've just given me so much strength and happiness for the coming day! I'll be sure to let you all know how everything gets along.
  6. Sorry for being so MIA recently guys. I've been really stressed out because I've had some bad news. :'( Basically, last week my mum went to the doctors for a medical certificate cos she had a cold. While she was there the doctor noticed a lump on her neck and recommended she go to get it checked out. Long story short, she has skin cancer and is due for chemo in less than two weeks. She's shaved her hair off and is on medication which is making her really sleepy and hormonal. So I've been doing a lot of the cooking, cleaning, and looking after my brother instead of her. I'm really worried for her. The doctor says the prognosis is okay but they'll have to actually try the chemo out first before they're able to see if it will be curable or not. Has anyone had experience with anything like this before? Let me know down below. :'( Thanks for being there for me and posting new 78violet tracks to get me through the day.
  7. You're from Barbados? :hail:
  8. Messy as fuck tbh. I'll use it anyway tho.
  9. It's the combo of avvie + signature. Yours is looking pretty dead.
  10. Flawless. I'm imagining a Marina/Sky sound from you tbh.
  11. PREACH. When will these bitches learn that no one can live up to The Queen's legacy?
  12. Mine would be: Legend in the Making: The Hits (1993 - 2013) How about you?
  13. It doesn't even count as charting if it only gets to #29. And the reason 'Boys' didn't chart is because Britney was blacklisted from radio at that time. #KnowYourFacts
  14. Do something cool with the Shape magazine photos tbh.
  15. Yus plz. Waiting.
  16. Still did better than 'Marry the Night'.
  17. Clearly a lot of you are in denial. You and I both know that Gaga will never be as strong or popular as she was during the TF era.
  18. Fuck you all. Leaving this forum.
  19. Frankie is the only one I check for. She's flawless.
  20. It seems like no1curr about Gaga anymore. She's barely in the news at all, no one plays her shit on the radio, and the general public have forgotten about her. Why is Gaga flopping now? She was big until early 2011 then since 2012 she's been a nobody. More importantly, do you think she'll be able to bounce back? I don't think she will tbh. The general public seems to be getting sick of her attention seeking antics. Unless she releases a good album like The Fame again no one will remember her in a few years.
  21. Can someone please make me a new set? I'll give you $25 (PHF money) for it. My favourite artists are Britney and Rihanna. No FlopGa. xo
  22. OMG. I love Sharon but this is hilarious!
  23. Blackout wasn't a flop. It might not have been that successful but it did better than Britney and it's cultural influence has been huge!
  24. Omg me too! I still do but it hurts like hell haha! I wax my legs, my underarms and my upper lip, and my other lips. It hurts so much but it's the only way to make it totally smooth!
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