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Mona Lisa

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Everything posted by Mona Lisa

  1. Can you ask her about a future album + if she has any acting roles coming up?
  2. Are you still going to do it? I have questions to ask.
  3. She's not even lying though.
  4. YES, my favourite show. But I agree, the security need to fuck off. The only thing that made the show good was all the catfights and now we don't even get them.
  5. Jealous Girl, is dat you sis?
  6. Mo is super nice and sweet. Ashley always goes out of her way to make my day better.
  7. This is my pet. My pet is better than yours. Post pictures of your pet.
  8. My mum just got through her first round of chemotherapy, and it's so hard to see her crumbling like this. We're going wig shopping tomorrow which is sort of funny and sort of really sad. The scans are looking good though, which I guess is the most important thing.
  9. No, I've only been with one guy though.
  10. Trashy mess, a lot of fans are disappointed.
  11. Slaymau5! Also, he's never said anything about Britney, he's only praised her fans. So stop spreading rumours.
  12. I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you need to stop acting like a boss bitch and trying to pass judgement on this situation. You're not a mod, you're not even a well-known member, so I honestly have no idea why you're even speaking. And what do you expect me to do when someone harasses and spreads lies and rumours about me? Do you want me to just take it lying down? I'm FUCKING sick of not sticking up for myself! So if you can't handle it, leave! Both of you can suck my dick! I've done nothing but try to be nice to all of you people and only a few people even say hello to me when I log on and are nice! So stop trying to play the victim and accept what you've done is wrong!
  13. Thanks baby. You must be the only one on this forum who's actually nice to me! Britney stans are the sweetest. I guess I shouldn't have expected any kindness from a Little Monster. 1. I deleted it already, like I deleted all the hateful and rude messages in my inbox. But I bet if you asked Jump Rope Queen to find the message, either in my inbox or your sent PM's list, he could take a screenshot for you and post it for everyone to see. Why don't you ask him? Or are you too much of a fucking pussy? 2. The first time I saw we'd hit 200 members was when I logged in to make this thread. How the fuck would you know whether or not I saw that? And I have nothing to deflect. I did nothing wrong. YOU'RE the one who was an asshole to me, as you have been since I first joined this forum. You've never had one nice thing to say about me and you know it.
  14. Thanks.
  15. Thanks. It was Jimmy Gnecco who sent that PM, but there were a few others as well, both from him and other members.
  16. I'm so fucking done with this. My leak of 'True Love' was never something that I HAD to do. I was doing it out of the goodness of my heart for the people on this site that are Lana fans and to bring some attention to this flop forum. Now I've been getting harassful e-mails and PM's from some of you telling me to "hurry the fuck up" and calling me "bitch". You didn't DESERVE that song. I was GIVING it to you because I'm a NICE person. The least you could have done was wait patiently and be grateful that I even gave you snippets. I already said that I'm going through a hard time in another thread. Just today, I've made breakfast and lunch for my sister, dropped her to school, picked her up, cooked dinner, done homework and visited my mum in hospital. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT CANCER? I am NOT here 24 hours a day to give you songs you have NO right to. I am NOT going to be persuaded into sending you shit if you call me a "cunt". That's all I have to say. I probably won't come back to this site. Bye.
  17. Omg, upload some of your stuff! I wanna hear it!
  18. Someone can't handle the truth.
  19. This is a pretty easy game. Just write the names of three people, or things, and the next person has to choose which one to kill, which one to fuck, and which one to marry. Britney Spears (BOMT Era), Britney Spears (In The Zone Era), Britney Spears (Now).
  20. LMFAO. He's so right tbh, Gaga is just losing more and more fans with this new era. Praying for her to see the error of her ways and eventually bring back Famega.
  21. The whole Brit vs. Gaga rivalry is ridiculous and started by delusional Little Monstrosities who can't accept their faves irrelevancy. Brit always has been, and always will be, hugely successful and a legend, unlike Flopga. Talk to me in ten years and Brit will remain the biggest popstar on the planet while nobody will even remember Stefani's name.
  22. + 1 But if not her, Demi.
  23. Omfg, that's amazing lmao. Are you even a singer though?
  24. My boyfriend played Portal 2 and said it was good, I've never played it though. But the graphics look really cool!
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