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Everything posted by mxtt

  1. mxtt

    bye bye

    Bless your good heart for this @Moonchild @Whoknowsmehere "Coming out is sexier than always staying in" the poetry you expect from a Kara DioGuardi version
  2. 1. That’s what filtered means - it’s just filtered background audio from the movie Material Girls - same with Play With Fire. 2. Little Voice - I said in my initial post that the intro was different and had no man talking 3. Thats what Not Mastered means Everything you mentioned was already listed, and you’re welcome by the way?
  3. I’ve never seen it. Maybe with UTS having come out recently we’ll see more sometime. I like cussing and I like when she says fuck in Supergirl
  4. Nah just what I have there I would definitely mention it. I am looking to complete my collection with that one as well
  5. Like my post says - the audio is questionable. So you can give it a listen and compared. Just to clarify also Day In the Sun by Annaliese Van Der Pol was released on That's so Raven Too soundtrack it's not unreleased. I usually just put demos or alternates in outtake albums. : ) Hilary Duff (Original Press) Dignity Outtakes Metamorphosis Outtakes New Tracks, 5 Song Sampler (3/5) Kara DioGuardi Demos Post Running (Confetti Demo)
  6. Love love love Hilary. I wish I had anything truly unreleased to offer you but I don't. I am hoping for that same list of Twisted etc (if there is legitimacy to it) like everyone! But I'm always happy to share my collection if there's something someone doesn't have. After the pandemic my buddy and I also have plans to dig his DJ CD's out of his mom's basement. He says he has every DJ remix you could think of, so I am excited for that project. Never collected those up until a few weeks ago. Check out my list. Unfortunately I haven't been collecting as long as I should've but let me know if there's anything I can help with. The stuff I got from HDE is included in this list. The things I requested ended up actually being some old edits someone had made haha. Also feel free to correct me if any of the info is incorrect, including bitrate in your speks. Also if anyone needs the FLAC converted I can do it for you on mine just let me know.
  7. No problem. When I get home I’ll setup a mega with the stuff I requested
  8. Hey, thank you so much! I haven’t gotten to listen yet but I believe they’ll be the same one. I really appreciate you doing that for me! I did manage to get into contact with HilaryDuffExclusives site owner and got a hold of the things I wanted. Happy to share those items with anyone who needs : )
  9. People need more to do with their time. Please let us know if this gets resolved or what the end is. Karmas a bitch.
  10. My Everything the album is just art
  11. mxtt

    bye bye

    Supergirl (for Hilary Duff) Pretty Little Dum Dum (Anastacia Demo) Underneath This Smile (for Hilary Duff)
  12. Yeah the adfly is a little silly but you just go through one and you’re there! It’s not as bad as some sites that put ad shorteners within more shorteners. It takes you to mega right after the first link but then every single link is dead. I went as far as to message the creator on Instagram (where they still have the blog in their bio and had just posted) but no response. Too late to the party I guess Update: Success ?
  13. Hey, thanks! I am looking more for the content posted on that hilaryduffexclusives blog on the second page. Now You Know feat Kara DioGuardi, reach out solo version. Burned would’ve been great but I have that one : )
  14. I’ve joined this site to specifically express my disappointment of the death of the Hilary Duff Exclusives blog from page 2. I recently came into the “Burned” demo and I need that entire collection from that site - had no idea she had so much. Anybody amazing enough to have a comp somewhere?
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