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Baby V Alex

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Everything posted by Baby V Alex

  1. Since forever? He called Danny Noriega aka Adore Delano gross when he was on AI.
  2. No Nicola Roberts leaks, not worth it tbh
  3. I'm okay with any song being single because all of them are bops.
  4. And to think that one day MoXiie retweeted an article about Kara & Cloud 18 and I posted here with the wrong name because I thought it was dope as fuck and now we are all stanning for her.
  5. The idea of Cat Ear headphones is nothing new but come on this is literally a carbon copy in a less impressive color
  6. It looks like it was fake, he is not being investigated by child abuse.
  7. Damn and I thought they got divorced because Brad liked more having sex with guys than with women.
  8. I'm so glad Britney is happy, she deserves it. I know if she retires tomorrow I will be ok with it.
  9. I mean Britney with Kylie & Gwen since she said she wants to work with them since Circus I think and at least Kylie is down for it.
  10. That's not a nude, that's barely a photo you send to your fuck body to let him know you are horny
  12. You really expected something super HUGE from this Kickstarter movie? Url you need to bring your expectations down a notch. I wanna see it because I love Bianca & Willam and it has some interesting actors involved in it.
  13. I don't care as long is a good show, last year's was a mess and it hurts me to say that Katy did an amazing job, so I hope they bring someone that can top that.
  14. Celine's been missing from the pop scene long time ago hence why it got to #2 and Barbara to #1, it was like when Adele releases an album. People love to buy those albums because it makes you more "intelectual and interesting"
  15. #3 at the BB 200 doesn't bother me that much, it got the praise from everybody and that's what counts
  16. this is so far in my listed of dreamed collaborations, Gwen & Kylie first and thank you
  17. After listening to Gaga's and Britney's new sound I'm less hyped about Gaga's album but we will see, Britney slayed me.
  18. I would get rid of the border and try to eliminate the "glow/shadow" of the lollipop behind the mask but this is amazing Mo
  19. Well the song is bad so I don't see a problem with it.
  20. because I hate myself and I don't really exist sooooooo...
  21. You didn't come up with one either, all you come up is with a shitty fan fic
  22. I didn't read because you are clearly messed up
  23. You forgot the "and I defend a rapist" part
  24. Look, I've seen his dick, I'll bottom.
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