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Baby V Alex

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Everything posted by Baby V Alex

  1. Her speech was amazing
  3. At least she doesn't fake her age like Lana lol
  4. I would have done the same, I hate him but this time the "fan" crossed the line
  5. He touched her ass, it doesn't matter if they are smiling it was inappropriate and he left it there for the entire photo. I'm tall and I misjudge everyone's height but if I accidentally do that I say "sorry" and move my hand, I don't leave it there.
  6. I missed it, it was on a soundcoud as MIV because the songs says "maybe is voodoo" but I don't think none of us got it.
  7. God knows I'm not the biggest Beyoncé fan and god knows I don't like Lemonade but Daddy Lessons is one of the best songs Beyoncé ever recorded and if they don¡t want it it's cool. But on the other hand let's not forget that Taylor Swift was catching awards for Country and pop albums with the same record.
  8. yep, pretty much, dunno how this GA girls keep their songs on lock even though they are not working with Xenomania.
  9. It was registered with the CE batch so I dunno, maybe it was a potential way for the album http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/60837968.html Also the post had a HUGE revamp, we now have 2 leaked songs and 2 snippets from leaked songs, one being Voodoo, don't have the name of the other, sorry.
  10. TBH, they disappoint me less than the girls
  11. Really? HAHAHAHAHA
  12. I really liked TSR and Cody is in the House so I'm happy with this, I hope they write her character as they did with her "mother" on TSR, funny but strict.
  13. I really enjoy Guillotine and I agree pop fans are sleeping on male in pop so hard and we have some stellar examples like Frankmusik, Simon Curtis, Bright Light x2, Ferras or Aiden Grimshaw. hope Jon has a big break.
  14. SE and Nintendo are cool right now so I can see them giving them new games and stuff since Bravely Default & Second did great on the 3DS
  15. I agree, it's still surprising to me that Nintendo didn't bought Rare when they had the chance I mean they did DK great. Well according to rumors FF VII remake is dropping on the Switch too maybe now that SE and Nintendo are BFF we will get the "Ultimate" version of those games.
  16. When you use it constantly it does. The thing with Nintendo is that they make their consoles affordable to the GP so you know it won't be super powerful but it will be cheap and you will have a great time with it, but I think this time around their software already has Bathsheda and Konami on their bag so Metal Gear and Fallout might be coming to the Switch, we only need Rockstar and you have all the bro games on the Switch.
  17. We have confirmation about battery life is around 3 hours which is good, it's more or less what a laptop or phone has. But you are making it sound like YOU HAVE TO play it in a handheld, it's a mix if you don't want to you can leave it on your living room, it's more about convenience while keeping both of your big fan base happy (handheld & consoles). The PS4 has yet to achieve that right? the big difference is that with the Switch the screen is the console, you can use your TV for better looking graphics (because of the resolution) or the tablet.
  18. Not really, the Vita and the WiiU were completely different. The Vita was just like a projector you weren't able to play PS4 on the go with the vita, neither with the WiiU pad, this is completely different. Some companies including Nintendo tried this concept before, Konami with the PS3 and the PSP and Capcom with the WiiU & the 3DS but sadly you had to purchase both versions of the games, here is not the case. The 3rd party support is HUGE this time around and don't get to hyped for specs (you shouldn't not all the developers optimize their games to the fullest, not even on Ps4) so the price would be affordable, it's Nintendo we are talking about. I'm so hyped for this tbh. The trailer showed, New 3D Mario, Mario Kart 9, Spla2n & Skyrim new games for the Switch YASS QUEEN
  19. Is it just me or she's putting tons of eggs on this basket and it's not that good
  20. Yeah I'm going to keep on watching
  21. I only watched the first two episodes, it has some moments when I laugh but at this point her videos are more hilarious, maybe when it picks up I'll pee myself. I hate her uncle atm
  22. I thought it was a mistake, bitch did it on purpose.
  23. I get it with the jungle book and maybe Beauty & the Beast but Lion King? this is just stupid.
  24. Well Spanish Music is a given but other than that pop, Britney, Gaga, Rihanna, the girl from Disney Channel, Fifth Harmony, Ariana, Demi, Justin etc etc. Weirdly enough Beyoncé is not so much lol
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