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Baby V Alex

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Everything posted by Baby V Alex

  1. I was abput to post Mean Girls :lel:
  2. I was abput to post Mean Girls :lel:
  3. Agree, I hope we get a 2.0 part but better, the intentions are good but poorly excecuted
  4. Agree, I hope we get a 2.0 part but better, the intentions are good but poorly excecuted
  5. Agree, it's a good album BUT it doesn't have that age factor
  6. Agree, it's a good album BUT it doesn't have that age factor
  7. Gaga and Britney the only singer who charted on Mars :hail: :hail:
  8. Gaga and Britney the only singer who charted on Mars :hail: :hail:
  9. you forgot Hogwarts Atlantis Mars and many many others
  10. you forgot Hogwarts Atlantis Mars and many many others
  11. too weak to be the next Lilo
  12. too weak to be the next Lilo
  13. I KNOW, bitch records over 50 tracks for every album
  14. I need some Dora the Explorer collabo on the album tbh
  15. It's sad tho, I can really understand this move for BTW cause it's a bad album but AP it's better
  16. My heart is broke, 15 years of stanning are ended in 2 years, tbh I won't stan for any other artist after her. :'( On the other side I always said that what makes her happy will make me happy so if she wants this, it will be great. I'mm here for those unreleased to get leaked tho
  17. I know her, i liked her cover of Telephone on Glee
  18. With the low sales on Brtiney Jean, Brit can buy Gagas life tho
  19. She is sweet after all, meaning all this shit it's crap, so quit Miley, get your long weave and go back to sing about beeing tamed or singing about not beeing Britney Spears (Robot) and your gay anthem Liberty Walk :vacuum: :vacuum:
  20. you dropped Britney's name on your post, and I was talking about that
  21. that's just sad, so sad
  22. :hail: AKA it's not a Xmas album, BITCH IS GONNA SLAAAAY, Miley whoooo?
  23. Name dropping Godney on your post, you betta recognize bitches :hail:
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