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Baby V Alex

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Everything posted by Baby V Alex

  1. She still has a career and travels around the world so you can take a sit.
  2. Checks your signature* Checks out* Bye, keep cutting yourself to 7 things
  3. And giving the money to promote Miley's first solo album which wasn't that good
  4. Britney needs to stop tanning like yesterday.
  5. She got the record deal with her real voice then they realized baby talking was more successful and now we are here
  6. The anime got soon much better with S&M though
  7. What money though? She didn't have a thing to do with the shoes or the promotion other than the name "Nicki" it's not named Minaj so she doesn't have a case on this one.
  8. It was a joke about how Russia is a difficult country to live in because of nature but also because Putin is fucking nuts
  9. Bitch take a joke as you take a dick don't be so uptight goddamn
  10. No, you can't leave Russia, it doesn't matter your gender or sexuality. Putin won't let you.
  11. Melania had to options to leave Russia, dead or marriage, she wishes she chose death
  12. No New York? No Michelle Visage? bye
  13. Poor Kesha. About Katy when asked about Rise she said that wasn't produced by Luke in a way that made me believe he is not involved with her anymore.
  14. Just as Iconic as Britney's VMA 07 performance her album is going to be amazing.
  15. Pop legend Ariana Grande is following the steps of Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj and Queen of Pop Britney Spears and she will be on a mobile game, the difference, the game she will be on it's actually good. For the Final Fantasy/Square Enix fans an idol class is not new so my guess is that Ariana will be an Idol, a character that buff up their partners and heals them and I'm excited for this.
  16. FUCK!! What have I've missed from Lana this year?
  17. They can both disappear tbh
  18. Joanne I expected so much more and at the end it was Gaga tries Florence and the Machine. I want her to stop being compared to anyone else.
  19. "Brilliant article" ok
  20. Let's not forget that she stole artwork from a girl to promote 1989. She used a fox a girl did on her press release I think and the girl didn't got a penny.
  21. It really wasn't but ok
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