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Baby V Alex

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Everything posted by Baby V Alex

  1. that subtle shade tho but I get what you mean, as for Paradiso Girls I tolerate them like to plays once in a blue moon because their songs get annoying pretty fast
  2. booboo don't be fooled, after the backlash I would do the same, she did the same with Keshas case, after people call her out she send her peace & blessings.
  3. So bitch is too busy faking a new relationship for tweet or do something about the gays that built her career and buy her shit, ok.
  4. They said "It will releas in ____" they never gave a month or a day, it was not set on stone, it's just like music, We heard that Britney was dropping her single this summer and yet we don't have an specific date, I won't be preordering or buying shit till I know the specifics. Same with video games, people buying a head of time just for a game that didn't have a concrete release date is stupid.
  5. None of those dates was set on stone tho, people who bought a WiiU just for this are stupid, but anyways they are going to get it too. The WiiU has some really good games and party games but buying a console just for a game that didn't have a concrete release date is dumb. I didn't bought my 3DS till X&Y release date was announced.
  6. Saying that Natalia Kills is famous, I follow D-List celebrities on twitter more well know than her lolololololol
  7. it's going on both and if somebody bought a WiiU just for this before a concrete release day, they deserve being called stupid.
  8. New Pokémon I will post more if they come for other news visit serebii.net
  9. Just like Hilary's acting career since Lizzie McGuire. #DontTryMeLadyBoy
  10. This is an ignorant statement and it bothers me that you can't see the flawlessness of Heidi's music career.
  11. I was so sad yesterday, I was mad at the shooting but I was even more pissed by the fact that I wasn't able to do anything to help.
  12. For fucks sake Mo that last tweet OMFG so problematic

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Love me, love me, please ReTweet. :dayfid: 

    3. Baby V Alex

      Baby V Alex

      hahahaha I have fans of the dead girl and even I have some manners lol I fave it tho

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Wait, are you @deadpapi? I was wondering who it was that kept favouriting our stuff! :shocked: 

  13. NEW POKÉMON!!!!
  14. Who of y'all fags did this? https://youtu.be/jWRSK6PNY70?t=9m38s
  15. It's funny that we see Artpop not being a flop but other albums that sell the same or less are seen as that.
  16. We are officially on Pokémon season, we will get news every month, next stop E3
  17. Goddamit this is too much I hope this ends her career lol
  18. this lol they could be two friends taking their kids to the aquarium, I mean yay for equality but his is getting to the point that people are forgetting their common sense.
  19. I was about to write a paragraph about this bullshit then I saw the sarcasm behind it and I love it Mo, thank you
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