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Everything posted by Speakerphone

  1. Lucky you !!! It's out there already
  2. The first four are really hard to finish, yes. The games are easier since Angel Of Darkness, and really easy since Legend ! But the only one I never finished (without cheating) is The Last Revelation. Am I the only one to find this one impossible?
  3. I'm sure, or at least I hope it will be part of next season! We can't have all the answers during the first season. We didn't know who was Gossip Girl or who was "A" on PLL on the first season for example.
  4. A part of me wanted more, but I actually think 8 episodes is great! We don't have time to get bored with useless stories!
  5. I finished it last week
  6. His character is more and more lovable after each episodes! I started with "I don't like/trust him" to "I love him" !
  7. You have to be bullied to get on there? All you need is motivation and most of all, want to do it ! There's some pretty interesting things to see in the locker room, that's enough motivation for me tbh haha !
  8. I didn't like her until later in the season! I did find her unlikable at first! Eleven is great too.
  9. I watched it too! I usually don't like kids in movies/TV shows but as you said, they are surprisingly good! I love Winona Ryder's character. I'm curious to see what they're going to do next season!
  10. Once again, a new teaser :
  11. I get it, I didn't feel safe there for at least three or four months, I had multiple sessions where I didn't even talk. You should try tho, try to overpass the apprehension, I know it's easy to say but in the long run, you'll be glad you did it.
  12. Without telling too much, I suffered from depression since I was 7, when my mom passed away. And like you @Amelia Lily @IntoYouu, I didn't look for help. I had friends that I couldn't see anymore because I couldn't even handle the fact to see a 'perfect family' (2 parents, what an awful thing to see ). At school, it was awful, because this made me grow faster than the other kids and I didn't feel normal. And it got worse in high school, because, well, I was gay ! I got it all too, like you @IntoYouu I was body shamed, called a fag and so on, and of course, you can't show them that it is hurting so you pretend you don't hear anything. And one day I couldn't take it anymore so I thought it would be easier to die. And it didn't go as planned. It's after that, at 18 that I went to see a psy ! And it was the best decision I ever made. It really helped me (that, and the gym ), I finally found closure with my mother's passing and like, every issues I had. I still have ups & downs, but it doesn't happen a lot. So, it might be hard to talk to someone you don't know, but I assure you, when you'll find a great psy/therapist, it will really help you. I really hope for you, @Amelia Lily and @IntoYouu that it will get better! And if you need to talk to someone, I'm here too! You don't have to face that alone
  13. Yeah, that's why I'm not too bothered by all of this. I would just want M to get one for the performance she could do there. (Hopefully, it wouldn't include Candy Shop )
  14. He said on one topic of the forum that it's not about her
  15. She's not (well, except for maybe 5 minutes) in the season 4!
  16. I'll never understand why Madonna still hasn't got one! And I can't see her having one now or in the near future. But I don't really care, (and I don't think she cares) it's just the VMA after all
  17. Excited to announce that @Rihanna will be receiving the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the 2016 #VMAs Congrats @Rihanna! @MTV #VMAs will honor her with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award! Tune in Aug 28 for her special performance.
  18. I found it : It's not as good as I remembered it!
  19. Jessie Ware / Say You Love Me
  20. There was one I used to listen a lot in 2009 (I think) but can't find it. It was a mash up with Madonna's Celebration, Lady Gaga's Love Game and Pitbull (ew!)
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