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Everything posted by Speakerphone

  1. Tell me if you find a link or if someone send you one! I'm mostly interested in the Kerli tracks and the A*M*E ones. Don't really care about the others! If someone can send me those, I'd be very grateful
  2. Can someone please reup? I was at 98% and it just got deleted
  3. Same! If the whole season is like the first episode, I'm sure I will love it. It was great. And I like the fact that they didn't introduced a lot of the characters in the first episode. Can't wait for the next one!!
  4. "American Horror Story: Forget about the last three seasons, this one is actually good!" It's a long title but it's what I want
  5. Don't know what to think about that new album.
  6. Oh, I forgot that one well, I think I'm going to kill myself now!
  7. Kinda depressed too now, thank you @Tweener !! But yes, it's one of the few songs that can really make me cry. And that song was used in the finale of the season 1 of The Big C, and it was SO SAD!!
  8. They are so many but here's the first that comes to mind Send a hope upon a wave A dying wish before the grave Send a hope upon a wave For all the souls you failed to save And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had
  9. It's the best Myah Marie album. It's true
  10. That's amazing !! I love it !
  11. I may be the only one but I was tired of Jessica since the season 3. So I'm not mad she left. It's not her fault tho, it's just the character she had to play that annoys me
  12. Sadly I think we have more chances with Frank than with John Florence & The Machine / Dog Days Are Over
  13. Well, I don't get the hype either but I loved his previous work and this one is not bad! I need to listen to it more to have a better opinion about it tho! And about that John Legend comment, do you mean they look alike?
  14. Frank Ocean / Endless
  15. New teaser
  16. G-Eazy is joining her so we'll at least have Make Me!
  17. Yeah, for me these two were the hardest. Then the second and first.
  18. "Exclusively on Pornhub"
  19. That part didn't leak yet!
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