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Everything posted by RageOfTheGorgon

  1. Not enough! One peso...
  2. Snatched is the only song I'm not a fan of. The album is fantastic. I hope this paves the way for better things.
  3. I thought we'd get the video for Forever 21?
  4. For an independent artist, the Hot City video is amazing. What she's achieved with Bombastic, S.L.A.Y. and Hot City is impressive and I hope some major label sees her and gives her the chance she never got. I could see her going major for the next album, but this current album is objectively to build a fanbase and tide the existing fans over. Bonnie could smash if she gets a major label and does a "Say So" type song that goes viral on TikTok. I don't care if she's 30+, she's got more talent than most of the current pop girls / popular acts. Bonnie is sexier than girls half her age and honestly, age is such a construct considering that JLO is literally 54 yo and still got an ass and body for days.
  5. I second this - she co-wrote Cuckoo, Chokehold and Map. I'd love to hear her demo of Cuckoo and Map.
  6. Do we have finals for Forever 21 and Hot City?
  7. Did “I Get What I Want” ever leak?
  8. Slay, Hot City, Forever 21 and Electric Heaven would be great single choices. I also hope we see final version of Don't Get Mad, Get Famous.
  9. Bonnie is like that Father that says he's popping out to the store and then you spend the next 18 years of life wondering how much milk must he be getting....the denial is cute.
  10. Well I'm taking a sabbatical from this thread, come holler when Never 21 leaks.
  11. Bonnie McDonalds, please give us Forever 21.....these crusty vaginal thots won't give us nothing.
  12. Forever 21 Hot City
  13. If I were her, I'd just put out the Epic songs which'll lead into the 2nd album.
  14. I'd like to hear it one day
  15. Some guy called JumboShrimp on Leaked.is has Forever 21 and won't give me it because I leaked his list, even though he never said I couldn't. Then also falsely accused me of leaking Outlaw, what a cunt. Clearly some 15-yo boy crying about songs that were never legally his in the first place. I think people should just be glad the feds don't know where they live and aren't in prison for hacking.
  16. Sounds a little like Bombastic
  17. Time to wash your mouth out with soap I second this Bonnie, release Forever 21 and we can get some rich Sheikh stan to payola your album.
  18. We never got Hanging All The Roses (Toby Gad)?
  19. Still waiting on F21...
  20. Sounds like an iconic title
  21. I wonder if Bonnie recorded demos for Cuckoo and Map by Adam Lambert, Alone by Kelly Clarkson and C’mon by Kesha.
  22. He says $100 for 2 songs
  23. That's because we're Forever Waiting
  24. I only want Forever 21 and Rock Angels and I'm done.
  25. I was given a list of Bonnie songs a seller has: SayonaraHallelujahIt Gets BetterBombasticShow MeHit ItBrandNewIn The Wild (ft. Major Lazer)Wild HeartLove You To PiecesKiss of DeathLast Call LoverDon’t Talk BackBack To ZeroRubberbandGuilty PleasureYou’re MineX That Won’t Let GoWorst In MeWho SaysWhat’s It Gonna TakeWar Of The WorldsWanna LiveUp To MeTune Into MeThere Will Be TearsThe Breaking PointTeenage HeartTake A PictureSlipperyShallowSay The Magic WordsSaturday AgainRSVPRomantic RageRIPRight NowPsychoParty MonsterOne More NightOnce Is Not EnoughOn Your SideOn And OnNow Or NeverNo YesterdaysNo RegretsNew York MistakeNever Say ForeverMondayMet Your MatchMessage In A BottleMess AroundMake It Through Another DayLooking GlassLie DetectorLicense To LoveLaserbeamKiss KissJFKItty BittyInfatuationIf That’s LoveI Want YouI Like It HotI Am A WomanHeart AttackHead OnGood Day For LoveGoing On StrikeFriendsBlow Ur MindFirefliesFemme FataleDoseDNADeja VuDaylightDarksideDance or DieCrazy BoyCatch Me If You CanCalling All CarsBroken RecordHeartbeatGo GetterDemolition Man!Birthday SuitBeautifulBattle RoyaleA Little Too Late…The Rules of AttractionMy Heart (Playing Tricks On Me)LovebirdLeaving LAI Dare YouHit And RunGet Over ItClicheChasing GhostsAlways Summer
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