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Make me chic

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Everything posted by Make me chic

  1. I love to spend my time with my fiancé and our beautiful dog. I enjoy the beauty of the life and everything it has to offer : i like watching trees and nature, smelling flowers, walking in the street and do shopping and eat in restaurants, laughing and meeting some cool other persons. I don't really pay attention to what happen in the news, it's too depressing. I am a very curious girl, i like to cook and try new receipts, eating is a real pleasure. I like to read, psychology, ecology, and of course music and movies. Life is so beautiful, if you are down, maybe you need some help ? "what motivates you to keep going everyday?" the man i love, my dog, family, taking care of myself, not asking myself too much questions but taking life as it comes. Maybe you just need a boyfriend/girlfriend, a pet and build together something real and just enjoying life.
  2. thank you for sharing all these covers for free and not be selfish like @808Dream
  3. I have some unleaked stuff from this girl if anyone care
  4. thank you so much 🤩
  5. So beautiful. I'm impressed. Possible to do one for Taylor Swift unreleased ?
  6. Hey guys, i'm looking for the video when Jamie Lynn is leaving a ceremony because a presenter was made fun of Britney. Do you remember this video ? Any help ?
  7. Really ? The shape of the head seems normal for you ? I love Madge but the pics reminds me this
  8. It's sad. Do you think she is ok ?
  9. you mentioned everybody except me
  10. #throwback Felicia was looking good. She has the same expressions than Britney when she speaks.
  11. This documentary is absolutely pathetic even if it was cool to see Felicia again. They totally rewrote the story of her life, trying to pass her off as a crucified Jesus. All they would like was to destroy Jamie, i have no words ... Trying to pass him off as a father only interested with money when it absolutely not true. He is probably the member of the Spears family who benefited the least of her fortune. Britney is absolutely not ok. Britney's fanbase are in denial, completely crazy. Poor Jamie. And about Sam ... well, sorry kid, but you can't marry and have kids with Brit right now. Trying to rebel about that it's being a total selfish kid who act with a lot of immaturity. And what he told to Page Six is all he has to say ? So not a lot of things against Jamie ... If Britney is really in danger and her father steal her money, Sam would have spoken since a while. Same with the other members of her family + her team. Fans should accept that Britney is not ok and need this conservatorship. I can't believe there are so much idiots in her fanbase. They cause of lot of pain and stress to her familly, especially her father. No #freeBritney for me.
  12. it's not good at all, how old are you ?
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