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Everything posted by Landy

  1. does it work for you ?
  2. I can totally imagine Livvi singing this 😇


  3. can we have a new topic for "Music Trading Thread" ? the thread has so much pages that it is very slow on phone now. I have this problem for every threads with more than 1000 pages on forums run with with Invision Community. It's not just on phf.
  4. even if the discord is gone, the funny thing is that we are still able to download songs from the links
  5. Yes he did 🥰 but still no Wicked
  6. Livvi Franc : U Don't Want No I Bet You Wish
  7. @iSpendDough trying to trade Myah for Britney A Myah song he got for free on her patreon btw. I warned people about this scammer in the past but he still acts like he has stuffs and is legit, trying to scam newbies.
  8. another one ^^ And you still claim you are not lol
  9. You leaked the snippets of Synbalic, that's disgusting. Do you think it's honest ? lol and dear god, in the future, stop sending me so much pm with this account and your battle alt account. I don't care about your pathetic pm begging for my Livvi unreleased. If you think i don't have a shit, why always begging ? You are such an idiot loser with no life. Bye bye brown loser ugly boy.
  10. You accuse me of not having Livvi and Lily unreleased but i do have them honey. But you, you only have your Myah songs which are not even unreleased songs since they are on patreon. You lied about having matches britney demo and so much other songs. What a sad life for someone who is 28 years old.
  11. And i know you are battle alt for sure because only you and him have the power to delete the conversation for you and me. I don't know how you manage to do that but no one on this place can do that. And that's still a mystery for me tbh. + all the things you say, it's the same things than battle say everytime.
  12. I never told you what i have I just said it to battle XD And i do have Livvi and Lily Allen unreleased. But you will never get them. And i don't even answer to all the pm you send me. It's you who come with your list and snippets. And no Marylin is not me, it's Shadelena the selena gomez crazy fan. And she usually doesn't scam so yes i need the receipts.
  13. so it's battletab lmao, he really has no life. He is now trying to scam me with Britney and Kara Dioguardi
  14. Be careful, the member @iSpendDough is trading Myah Marie songs which are on her patreon. https://www.patreon.com/Myahmarie This member seems to be a liar and scammer. He already got exposed by a member in the past by the way. Don't deal with this joke.
  15. Who can it be ? Michael Jackson ? This prediction seems not possible. Also it's a cool thread
  16. Dark mode button please, my eyes are crying at night
  17. Landy


    Stop leaking fake songs under Livvi. What Now and Like You are fake Livvi songs.
  18. Landy


    Freedom https://wi.to/ade13ee44efc9cb2 Ride Dirty https://wi.to/4cd64d2bc1572660
  19. Landy


    Love is a Gun Chariot 2x2 Believe
  20. Landy


    It's After Tomorrow.
  21. nothing in july and august ?
  22. Landy

    Rita Ora

    Anyone know if the member goldtrip from leakth.is is here ? he got banned If he is here, please send me a message Edit : this guy sells many time the same song lol
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