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Kevinn Edu

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Everything posted by Kevinn Edu

  1. I kno, when I seen that farewell tweet, my friend and I literally cried together )); *#3, hopefully...
  2. You and I both
  3. Yeah, some special release of every demo and final would be really, really lovely. I know. I didn't look into when she tweeted that until I seen the interview where she said she had stopped writing new music ):
  4. trayertrash, you're Avi creeps me out, in a good way though
  5. So we all know that a lot of Lana music has been leaked during this summer, most of them being old records or demos from the beginning of her career, but some, such as 'Black Beauty' and 'Angels Forever, Forever Angels' are/were due to be released on her third album which she has stated she has lost inspiration to write due to the the leaks.
  6. Maybe. Hmmmm. I should listen to them non-stop and see how it goes. I love 'Make Me Proud' My favorite tracks are 'Shot For Me' 'Make Me Proud' 'Good Ones Go (Interlude)' 'Doing It Wrong' 'The Real Her' 'Practice (OMFG I LOVE PRACTICE SO FUCKING MUCH)' and 'Hate Sleeping Alone'
  7. I don't know. It doesn't give me that powerful music...whatever thing that most music I like gives me. Maybe it will at some point, but I don't know. Ha. Have you listened to 'Take Care' yet?
  8. It's cute, seems kind of broadway-y to me. I don't know. Ha.
  9. You mean the coolest. OMG! I forgot to tell you! But yes! I love 'Sexy! No No No...' !!
  10. I love One Direction. Before them, the boy band I was so into was N*Sync and BackstreetBoys.
  11. I did too, but I just hated how it blew up and stuff. We should talk to her team, set them right! Haha.
  12. But I am here for One Direction :hail: :hail:
  13. Yeah. I kind of hated 'Super Bass' too. It shaped her into a different artist and paved her to become more pop. Even though she could pull off any genre if she wanted to, I just prefer her rapping. She'd be really good in dubstep too. Nicki Minaj + Cedric Garvias >>>>>>> Omg. That would be flawless. Hopefully she'd release something 'Monster' worthy...or better!
  14. I'm tired of these young teen kids coming up trying to become singers/dancers. It was fun and cute when Justin did it but c'mon, all these other look alike are coming up.
  15. I highly doubt it. She was supposed to film SO many songs too. Like 'Muny' 'Girls Fall Like Dominoes' 'Whip It' 'Champion' all went to shit. And those would have been good singles/videos.
  16. I'm still mad that she never released the video for it like she said she would. Along with others songs.
  17. She has a lot of good songs on her albums but she's shitty at choosing singles, tbh. 'Pink Friday' was slept on because that era became about 'Super Bass' while her 'Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded' era was shit because the bitch decided to release 'Stupid Hoe' as promo and 'Starships' as the main single instead of 'Va Va Voom' I want a like dark toned EDM version of Nicki though. That would be flawless. What ever happened to Clearly she has forgotten. That's true! But with Bey releasing the snippet of 'I Been On' and 'Bow Down' who knows!
  18. Really? Are they any good? I don't understand her either but she's funny playing Cat and her music is flawless to me. :hail:
  19. I love 'Freedom' Gave me a 'Moment 4 Life' mixed with 'Autobiography' vibe.
  20. It was, tbh. And the good tracks such as 'I'm Legit' and 'I Endorse These Strippers' never made it as singles. I think if those were had been released as singles her third album would be released quicker.
  21. He's mot even in a boy band. He's just in a group that makes videos on Youtube.
  22. So this was supposedly the original cover art:
  23. I wouldn't mind that, tbh.
  24. Got it! Thanks babe!
  25. Omg, I only have old songs. Let me record something new and I'll post it here first! When I heard her 'Monster' verse, I knew that she had the potential to be the greatest rapper alive. She surpassed both Kanye and Jay-Z! That's REALLY big. It even made #1 on the top rap verses in the past 5 Years. That's saying something. YAAAS. I can see them doing some sort of dark and sexy pop/EDM stuff. She's shit to me right now too, but hey, since Nicki's out there saving careers, why not? Pitbull is the definition of shit. A Bey and Nicki collab? That will fucking blow the minds out of everyone tbh. Agh! Ok, I'll record it later today.
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