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Kevinn Edu

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Everything posted by Kevinn Edu

  1. So there are a bunch of mashups on the internet. This has to be one of my favs. What's yours?
  2. Idk. Maybe your more advance or less biased about music than I am. Lol.
  3. So basically the 'Nothing But The Beat' era was just ugly? Lmao. [img width=525 height=525]http://www.disneydreaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Britney-Spears-Till-The-World-Ends-Remix.jpg [img width=500 height=500]http://rnbxclusive.se/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Busta-Rhymes-Nicki-Minaj-Twerk-It-Remix.jpg [img width=650 height=650] [img width=500 height=500] all of these are shits.
  4. I know. This bitch says she record about 70-80 songs for each album and like...she on;y has 10 songs on each album. Bitch needa drop all her unreleased shit. His whole career is just trolling if you think about it. Lol.
  5. What?! No, they're two completely different genres! Lmao
  6. This is not stoner music...is it? Lol.
  7. #FightTheMan #FreeTheBiebs
  8. Oh, no, of course not. Why do you think that Grown Woman, Standing On The Sun, and God Made You Beautiful didn't make the cut? But I would be so fun to have Beyonce on that beat. The Shade. Kanye is totally fucking with her. ha.
  9. I can, if the lyrics were different. I actually heard about that. I thought 'This bitch has been around that long?' lol
  10. YES. But a totes cutie. I would mind going down on his 31 year old ass. And no. I hated Nan because she had him. LOL.
  11. Until then, Sterek fan fics are my best friends lol
  12. omfg, i do now. i swear to god, sterek will be the death of me. i have a feeling that jeff will put in some sterek in the script in the future.
  13. LIZ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT72asMAwjM#ws
  14. I wouldn't actually mind a reboot. But I totally agree it's too soon. And four sisters? Really? That's totally lame. One of them bitches better die.
  15. Same. Sterek forever.
  16. I'm mad that the boy next door died. EVEN THOUGH HE'S 31 IRL, LIKE OMFG
  17. Hopefully the rumors are true and Beyonce and Gaga are on 'Ratchet', that would be the best ever tbh.
  18. :shocked: :stretcher: true. she did she recorded material for like 4 albums though, so who knows?
  19. I'm not sure yet. There's no real details besides 'Count Contessa' being the first single.
  20. Ain't no one can top me doe.
  21. Ain't no one can top me doe.
  22. I like your word play there.
  23. I like your word play there.
  24. well, it starts off in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve, she sings the Body Electric, idolizing false Gods: Marilyn, Elvis, and that other dude whose name I forgot, and the she bites the apple and that's when shit goes down and the Garden of Eden turns into the Garden of Evil also known as the Land of Gods and Monsters, which LA represents, and then they live like this harsh and sinful life and then after a while, they find themselves again, that's when they get baptized and then Bel-Air plays and that's when they make a new Garden of Eden.
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